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NPCs disappearing from game - Ref ID not accessible


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I've got a bit of an issue in a save-game of mine that's got me scratching my head.


I seem to have lost Jordis the Sword Maiden.


Not in that typical, we went into the dungeon and I can't find her kind of way, that's kind of normal and I can sort those out myself.


I've got the problem that her base ID shows in the console, but I can't used the prid or player.moveto commands with her Ref ID. Further to this, when I save the game with a parameter that creates a text file, her Ref ID doesn't turn up in that either.


Obviously, not being able to access the commands that call upon the Ref ID, I can't try enabling or resurrecting her (if she's disabled or dead).


I originally thought that it might be a mod problem, but I still seem to have the issue even with all mods disabled.


Can anyone give me a hand?

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She doesn't show up when you simply move to different cell either?

I haven't got her set as a follower at the moment - she just doesn't appear to be present in the game at all.


What about when you load a previous save?

I did find her in a previous save - but that was from six weeks ago. I hope I don't have to revert to that!


Why not? Do you get some kind of an error?

In short, yes. Using both commands, I get the error: Item '000a2c95' not found for parameter ObjectReferenceID

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My understanding was that because Jordis is part of the base game, her RefID shouldn't change, but I will check this.


Update: Just checked - her RefID in the earlier save game is still 000a2c95.


It's almost as if her RefID has been removed from the save game. But she must be in the save game in some form because her BaseID is still there.

Edited by JRHT
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Does the problem repeat itself if you spawn her yourself?


Similar thing have happened to me, in my case a re-spawn of the missing NPC have fixed it for me.

Edited by Mekii
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Forgive my ignorance, but what's the appropriate console command to respawn an NPC?


It would be:

player.placeatme <BaseID> <#*>


# equals to any number (preferable 1)



Jordis the Sword-Maiden


Ref ID 000A2C95

Base ID 000A2C8F

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player.placeatme <BaseID> <#*>


I'm at work right now so I can't test that out just now, but doesn't player.placeatme only create a copy of the item?


From memory, I tried that and a Jordis did appear (albeit, briefly) but she disappeared soon after and ended up having a BaseID that started with FF.


Regardless, I will try it when I get home.

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That seems to have worked!


When I used the placeatme command, Jordis did indeed appear with a BaseID that started with FF.


When I saved the game and reloaded, Jordis appeared to her original RedID again! Hoorah!

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