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need a little help


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i downloaded http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811 to my nexus mod maneger and i cant seem to get any of the animations to work i mean i have the spells but when i use them the npcs and even my own char just stands there. i also downloaded another mod before this and it says i need GenerateFNISforUsers.exe which can apparently be found in skyrim/data/tools which i dont have the tools folder and tryed googleing it and got nothing but fourms of where people are saying stuff like its wasy you just go to this part of its directory when i dont even have that part of it so can some 1 tell me where i might be able to get it or if they cant can they create a little dl for me to use and i can figure the rest out from there. i would very much appriceate it thanks Edited by bomberwaffle
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why don't you click on the installation guide link on the mods page and read the entire mod description. Seems like they have good instructions / FAQ. I don't use this mod but it seems like it may require some other mod/program. Read Read Read. That's my advice.

as i said i dont have a serton file and there is nothing there about it as if every 1 has it already

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You are sure you download and installed the file "Behavior Files V3_3_2" correctly? I just downloaded the top file on the mod page and the .exe is definitely in there. You can always just download the file manually unzip it and run the program that way. I suggest.


-Search your computer for "GenerateFNISforUsers.exe" using the search tool in the start menu. If that doesn't work


-Try downloading the file again (Behavior Files V3_3_2) making sure you're getting the correct version for your game version. Then repeat my first suggestion. Download it manually if you have to (without NMM)


Like I said the file you need is 100% for sure in there I just checked. You did download both files?

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