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Graphical artifacts - small flickering colored pixels


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Like the title says, I'm getting these intermittent colored little squares or pixels that flicker in and out. Sometimes I don't see them at all, but they always come back again. I have tried this both with and without mods, and the issue is the same. So it can't be mod-related. My card is an Asus GTX 680 DCII, which is a pretty damn good video card with a great cooler, so I don't see how it could be the result of over-heating or over-taxing the video card as it should be more than capable of handling Skyrim. Using the latest official nvidia drivers.


Here's what it looks like: flickering dots/squares


They always appear in two small clusters near to each other, like that, and flicker in and out with different colors.


Has anyone seen this type of artifact before or had a similar problem? I have tried searching but I can't find anyone who's had this same kind of artifact/glitch.


I don't know what to do. Please help. :ohdear:

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Yep, those be artifacts. What are you GPU temps? Artifacts normally show up when the card is running too hot.


Even if you have a good cooler...it could of been seated wrong by the manufacturer. They also use very cruddy thermal grease IMO, it's always "rubbery" feeling. If you know how, I'd take the cooler off, clean it and re-grease it with a better thermal compound (Arctic Silver 5, Ceramique, something along those lines). If that doesn't help, the GPU could be on it's last legs. If you are still under warranty with it, I'd try to get a refund or replacement.

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Thank you for the reply. I have checked my GPU temps and I do not see how this can be caused by the video card. The card never goes above 60° Celsius during load, is only a month old and one of the very best single-GPU video cards available on the market. My fps are consistently high, the card runs cool and so I cannot see how it could be a hardware issue.


I'm going to keep looking for a solution, but if anyone has seen this same type of artifact, or has any suggestions on what to try, please let me know.

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