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Why not via NMM? Removing the mod is much easier that way.

Anyway, I know, some modders use "patches" on their mod, which means you need to know how to add them via NMM without ruining it.


Anyway, to install manually:

Download the mod

Go to the folder where you downloaded it.

Extract it.

Now, hardest part, some modders tend to make their folder structure really weird. Weirdest I've probably seen was like Moddersname/armorpack/Meshes+texture folder here


The point is, you need to take the .esp, and add it to the data folder of skyrim. (Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data)

And then you need to take all the other folders (Meshes, textures, scripts, sounds) and place them there as well.

You should pay attention that the mod won't work if those folders are inside folder which for example is called *ARMORPACK*

It's hard to explain, but I hope you understand.

Just use NMM, much easier. :biggrin:

Are you using steam or CD-version of skyrim?

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