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BLOG PIECE: Kickstarter and the mini-revolution


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I have a question, somewhat related to this - what about people modding skyrim and posting said mods on kickstarter? l saw someone from here do that, with a goal of 40k. Seemed kind of...extreme to me.


As far as the little agreement thing everyone skips over states, It's perfectly fine to ask for money to make the mod...you just can't sell it afterward. You get into dangerous ground if the only way anyone can get a copy of it is through kickstarter donation...then Bethesda will probably sue your ass to hell and back.


I didn't see one with a goal of $40k...in fact, only one I could find was "Tales of the Drunken Paladin" and his goal was ~$600...but he pulled in $2200...and I haven't even found mention of it on his webpage past right after the kickstarter closed.


I just don't like the idea of saying "The only way I'll make a mod is if you give me money" (Which seems to have become the standard in the Minecraft community, bunch of mods are now pay-to-download...and Mojang does nothing about it). Mods should be about love of the game or game engine. I even feel kind of uncomfortable with people giving money as a "thank you" for making a mod. If that ever happened to me...I'd like to think I'd either refuse it, or pass it on to Nexus so they could keep running and letting people download my crap.

Edited by jediakyrol
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You are not allowed to receive money for a mod. Donations is fine, because then people are giving you money, not giving you money for your mod. But kickstarter is not donating - it is investing, which is not allowed for Bethesda mods.
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@jediakyrol If somebody thanks you, you must have deserved it. And if someone gives you money, you must have deserved it too. But if you're prude enough to say you didn't want those money at all just don't post a donate button.

@Zaldiir well, investing... My boss cpt. Stahlbart wanted to know when he starts getting his errm... cut? from this endeavorous enterprise? Chris Roberts wants ppl to pay twice for his BF3-like MMO stuff, it's OK.

Edited by Renegadeof79
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You are not allowed to receive money for a mod. Donations is fine, because then people are giving you money, not giving you money for your mod. But kickstarter is not donating - it is investing, which is not allowed for Bethesda mods.


I wouldn't call kickstarter "investing" because that implies that you intend to make a profit off of the money you gave to them, when in many cases where the final product is a "reward", it is at a higher amount of money than the final product its-self. The whole point of kickstarter campaigns is for the project proposer to get money, not the supporters. Even in projects with high tiers in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, the best you can be is an unpaid consultant, and are never guaranteed any monetary gain whatsoever (Doesn't mean you can't turn around and sell your signed copy of "Project Eternity" when you get it, just that Obsidian isn't going to hand you a check.)



oh, and @Renegadeof79...guess I am kinda prudish...I even hate taking money from family (however...I will take food...a good cook can buy my loyalty any day)

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@jediakyrol People cannot "invest" in Kickstarter projects to make money [via Wikipedia article]. You'd mention that in the first place. So now we see thru the whole Chris Robert's evil plot [via lol]! Star Citizen's gonna become the most profitable MMORPG in the world since Whorecraft and Diablo. Shame E.V.E. O players won't see that

There's no donate button on my mods either btw. I like wasting time creating stuff for my own use then I post it to the Nexus, that's how it works

Edited by Renegadeof79
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@jediakyrol People cannot "invest" in Kickstarter projects to make money [via Wikipedia article]. You'd mention that in the first place. So now we see thru the whole Chris Robert's evil plot [via lol]! Star Citizen's gonna become the most profitable MMORPG in the world since Whorecraft and Diablo. Shame E.V.E. O players won't see that

There's no donate button on my mods either btw. I like wasting time creating stuff for my own use then I post it to the Nexus, that's how it works



Well he's going to do a horrible job of it with no subscription fee and no "microtransaction-exclusive" items...as well as planning on being open to modding.


And I wasn't criticizing you if it seemed that way...my money hangups are all my own. And like I said...I'm pretty messed up on that anyway...I'll turn down $5...but you offer me a steak dinner? HELL YES!

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@jediakyrol that's OK, EVE Online doesn't have a subscription fee too, at least for some time, but as the time is over you'd HAVE to pay real money. And you could buy a microtransaction-eclusive ship and lose it in 5 minutes [via forever] to a bunch of pirates (they hate exclusive ships, I'd do). That's the way all MMORPGs go.

PS I'd be cool to break down a bandit's corpse into human flesh [via unrealistic smelter]

Edited by Renegadeof79
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I´m grateful for Kickstarter, because it made the development of Shadowrun Returns and Wasteland 2 possible! :D


I really hope Wasteland 2 will get a Nexus- they officially announced to work on mod-tools after release.

Maybe Shadowrun Returns Map/Run-Editor(ought to come out with release) will see some Nexus-love, too. :)

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PS I'd be cool to break down a bandit's corpse into human flesh [via unrealistic smelter]


Oh...oh man...that's a great idea! Like the cannibal stuff from Fallout...Would probably need script extender to make a toggleable "take corpse" command that removed the actual corpse and gave you a corpse-item in your inventory, then add recipes that use it! And include special recipes for Vampires and Werewolves!



Anyway...back on topic...umm...kickstarter is awesome... modding is awesome... umm...STUFF!

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