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StarForge - Check this out!


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So my friend called me on Skype the other day to recommend an indie game. Curious to the awesomeness he described, it turns out that this game StarForge has amazing ambitions and some significant results already.


First let me say, it's a huge WIP and is very early in development. They have been mentioned to be a crossbreed between minecraft in halo, and I personally believe that's a good thing! They've already reached some funding goals and offer a demo for you to try before you invest.


Here is a video from their fundraiser page introducing the game, and what is already achieved. Please note what is in the video may be currently in testing, meaning not in the alpha right this second for you to try.




I personally just invested $150, (my mother would murder me if she knew) but I feel that this game has the right idea, and it's one I've been wanting to see for the longest time. See the image below for their funding/goal ratio.




I figured I would post this here to share/spread the game. Aren't you guys sick of playing those stale sequels or are you going to be playing cod 25 and Halo 15? I think it's time we support original ideas first rather than relying on less than original sequels that have been the product of mainstreaming games to the console public.


You can check out their IndieGoGo page here: http://www.indiegogo.com/starforge


Their official site/demo is available here: http://www.starforge.com/

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Cool, here is a walk through video, and demonstration of the tile set.





Its going to be free to play, i'm sold.


Minecraft gone 3d http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif


Looks like one reall epic game in the making http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

Edited by Thor.
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It is no longer F2P, reason being is because they didn't like the business model that would come with (which always leads to pay2win, like what games such as Maplestory kind of does). buying a copy from their site will get you beta/alpha access. If you got it on indiegogo you could have it for pretty cheap w/ rewards. However, the indiegogo campaign is over.
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Not true, think of guild wars 2, its free to play, but you pay for the game.. Why should they pay twice is the question, lowering the urge to buy..

One reason why i hate wow


Monthly fee http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/down.gif



Hold the phone, looks like it is buy once?? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif



Edited by Thor.
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