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1.8 patch skyrimprefs.ini


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This is common.

But normaly they should not missing, they different grouped as in the older ini.

ishadowfilter f.e. must be there. only elsewhere.


You should evertime refresh your ini after a Update. To do this, delete your ini files ( Skyrim.ini, Skyrimprefs.ini, RendererInfo ) and start the game via launcher to generate new ones. But you must set tweaks and graphic changes again. And dont delete your Saves by a mistake.


Make a backup first, just in case.

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Updates will revert you ini to the defaults. Many times this means removing lines that are not from Bethesda. I really hope you have a backup of your ini--if so, it is easy to return your ini files to what they were. I don't recommend copy/pasting though--sometimes Beth actually has added a line, so copy/paste would remove it. Rather, carefully go through and reset the new ini to what you want it to be, adding the lines that are missing. Then save a copy somewhere you can find it later.
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