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Vortex help?


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Hey guys and dolls,

So I'm modding New Vegas on my new machine and reinstalling the mods I used to use. I installed the basic tools like NVSE, 4GIG etc as usual (not using vortex).

However when it comes to downloading and installing mods with Vortex non of them seem to take effect. I've installed and deployed them with seemingly no problem but when I boot up the game there's no change. I didn't have this problem with previous nexus mod manager, everything was simple back then. For example I'm just trying to get the Fallout Character Overhaul to work and I've done all the prerequisite stuff and it's installed, enabled and deployed (what ever that means) but it isn't doing anything in game.

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Did you create a "profile" for your character? That tells Vortex which "installed" plugins are to be used when playing the game. Different "profiles" enable you to play multiple characters or different mixes of mods with those characters. You also have to tell Vortex about the mods you installed outside of it, as it won't know about them otherwise.


You really do have to read the documentation of any given mod manager if you want to get the best use of it. (If you don't understand a term such as "deployed" as used by that tool, then you haven't read enough.) There are links to several tutorials in the 'Mod Managers' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


If you want to do things "like you used to", then you need to use an old school manager.



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Thanks for the advice. Although I will say It is a little weird that modding went from complex before NMM, to simple and easy with NMM and then back to current NMM.


Please understand, Vortex is Vortex and Nexus Mod Manager is Nexus Mod Manager (NMM).


From your statement it seems that you have never used the easiest, most user friendly mod manager, Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM).


FOMM is still available here and NMM available on github. https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases


If you are comfortable with using NMM, why did you change?

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