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Making weapons enchantable


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Aside from the obvious ability to enchant unenchanted items in-game, you can add an enchantment to a weapon or armor piece in the CK. This allows creating unique and powerful enchantments not available otherwise, but does preclude players being able to enchant things themselves (though if every weapon had Absorb Stamina I wouldn't need to!). Open up the weapon's properties page and note the drop down menu by "Enchanting". All enchantments in the CK are listed here; If you created your own, it would also appear in this list. Choose whichever you wish and look beneath it to the field "Enchantment" which is how much magic is stored. The higher the number the more times it may be used before recharging. 3000 is equivalent to a grand soul gem and a 0 here sets the amount of charges to infiinite.
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