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Thick, slow falling snow


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Fall Forest



SNow (winterhold, windhelm, etc - I think it stands for "snow", but it's used in those regions anyway)


Volcanic Tundra


A is an alternate option. You'll see them listed in the region stated with a low chance of occurring (5% or thereabouts)


Look at menu World > Region. Change the region for Tamriel. Scroll down to the list beginning with "Weather", click one, then select the tab called weather. Make changes, go back to the first tab (General), click apply. Not sure if that last step is strictly necessary but I had some instances where CK "forgot" my changes.


Note that cities with their own worldspace will also have their own weather which applies to that worldspace - if you open windhelmworld in the region editor you will see at the bottom of the list a weatherwindhelm which dictates the in-city weather.

Edited by acidzebra
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Thank-you very much acidzebra!


I've spent months wondering what all these codes are about, and I've been unable to find any information on this other than the odd console weather code (which btw I don't use as is too much effort and slow, think the "Directors Tool" mod is better for this).


I'm very grateful for your response. Kudos to you sir.


I'll butt-out of the thread so it can get OT again.

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Sorry - that I do not know :)


Figured it out. Have to set the wind in the actual weather system. Set wind to zero and speed to zero, and changed the velocity and size of the snow and I got my desired snowfall! Now to start manipulating each individual snowy weather scenario, each with it's own differences but less vanilla-like.


Wonder if anyone would actually be interested in such a mod, other than myself. Thanks for all your help AcidZebra! Loving this!

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