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Need help with SkyRe problem.


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So I have an absolute ton of mods and SkyRe is the core, but for some reason it's not working, Skyrim crashes after the Bethesda logo on startup. I used TES5Edit to see what was up and got an error message, screenshots to the error message Here. The rest of the links to all of my mods are: here here here and here. Obviously I don't expect you to cycle through all of my mods but if you really want to help there you go. But mainly I have Dawnguard and the SkyRe Dawguard compatibility patch, but I have a ton of mods. Thanks for any help in advance!
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In the dark ages of computing, we always had to figure out what system on a computer was binding a particular program when we ran into problems. A program can be compute bound, graphics bound and probably in your case, memory bound. Because Skyrim is a 32 bit program, there is a 4GB limit to the usable memory space no matter hou much memory you have installed. Video memory can also bind Skyrim. I haven't looked at your list of mods, but try removing any memory hogs, first. If you look at the top of the troubleshooting section of the Skyrim Nexus, the topic pinned to the top is an excellent place to start in figuring out what's going on. I think it's called Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires. Read through that and see if it applies to your situation. Good Luck.
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If you run that many mods, you'd better learn how to because your load order is probably a nightmare. If you can figure out how to install mods, installing and running boss should be easy enough. Mostly it's a matter of grabbing the software, installing the standalone version, running it, letting it update, reading the resulting log and acting on it.
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try disabling all armor related stuff since this can cause some problems with the latest skyre


Thanks man, that was it.. Now to figure out which of my 200 armor mods is conflicting. :L


Edit: the Immersive Armor SkyRe patch made it crash with SkyRe... Dafuq?

Edited by SpringBean
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The boss log shouldnt be treated as gospel because sometimes its wrong. Post your load order because you probably just have a dependency problem.

Paste this path into the address bar in windows and post the log.



Check if the main skyrre plugin is loading first.

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If you run that many mods, you'd better learn how to because your load order is probably a nightmare. If you can figure out how to install mods, installing and running boss should be easy enough. Mostly it's a matter of grabbing the software, installing the standalone version, running it, letting it update, reading the resulting log and acting on it.


Thanks, BOSS is actually really easy to use, not sure why Gopher was so hesitant for newer people to load order to use it.

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