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Master Robes of Destruction


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Hey guys, can someone help me ? i need the dds file of '' Master robes of destruction'' , but i cant find that . someone can upload this for me or let me know where i can find ?


I want make my first mod of that. Thanks .










P.S.: can be the Standard version too. I only need the dds file, Male and female.

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I'd recommend checking official tutorials for that.

I started to write "quick" tutorial, but it was just messy and unclear, plus it contains tons of stuff you can't comprehend in short time. Do you have any experience with nifskope, setting texture paths or anything?

Shortly you'd need to extract the meshes for the robes, set texture path to your textures, open CK, make duplicates of original robes and change ID's, assign meshes.


It's not quite short process. Unless if you'd know how to make texture packages.


I don't know how to make such a things.

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  • 1 year later...

Once you have your texture the way you want it, open up the CK, go under texture set and make a new one. Add your retexture to the "Diffuse" map and add "robe_n" to the Normal/Gloss map. Save as new.

Go up to ArmorAddOn, click on ArchmageRobesAA, under "Biped model" hit select, double click on "Robes" find your new Texture set and add it. Click Ok. Do the Same With the "first person" model. do not overwrite, save as new.


almost there.


go to armor, click on "ClothesMGRobesArchmage" click on the "Edit" button next to world model. you will see under 3D Name "robe_GND:0" Double click on it and add your texture set from earlier. Click Ok.

Then if you look toward the bottom right you will see "ArchMageRobesAA" Replace that with the ArmorAddon you made earlier. Then rename, change the basics and you're done!


I know it looks complicated but it's rather easy once you get the hang of it. Hope it helps.

If you have any questions, post here, or send me a PM. whichever you prefer



Edit: I had no idea you posted this two years ago, sorry if it's a bit late

Edited by TheBawb
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