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Best destruction scaling mods?


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Sadly the best one I've found has been on the Steam Workshop. Its called Scaling Destruction by a user named inok. I've looked and as far as I know he does not have it on the Nexus and there is none exactly like it here.

If your not against using Steam workshop for minor mods give it a look.

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This is a total perk overhaul that has changes for destruction that make it a more viable option. It does not make mages horribly overpowered like some mods. It just tries to balance them out a bit, and makes experimenting with trees not in your normal build a positive thing instead of a negative one.


You could also trythis. It doesn't alter perks at all, it just creates enchantments that work the way potions do (making spells stronger instead of making them cost less to cast.)

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