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Console commands for taking pictures?


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tfc 1

to pause the game and get the free camera (move around with movement keys, left mouse = go up, right mouse = go down), open console and type it again to turn off


sucsm 4

(or other value) to control the speed at which the free camera moves - it's set for rather quick movement by default and you may find it hard to position it right.



to remove all onscreen HUD crap

You'll have to "blindly" open the console and type tm again to get it back.


fov 80

(or other value) to extend the field of vision


set gamehour to 8

(or other value between 0 and 23.9) to control in-game time so you can get a nice sunrise or sunset in the background


fw [weathercode]

to set the weather - a full list of codes is here


Edited by acidzebra
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tfc 1 <-- tfc toggles the free camera adding the 1 freezes NPC action so you can get an in combat shot a value of 0 leaves NPC actors moving (use tfc again to return to your character) -- do this in 3rd person to include your character in the shot.

sucsm 1 <-- sucsm adjust the speed of the camera adding the 1 sets it at the slowest possible speed so you can get the angle and range just right (can't move camera with console open)

tm <-- tm hides the interfaces so you don't get HUD, crosshairs and the like in your shots (also hides the console so if you close it to move the camera remember to reopen it before typing tm again else you'll end up in a hidden wait menu)

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