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Random CTD's while using Immersive Armors


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I just can't seem to figure out the solution (considering I usually don't mod my games a lot of this is like rocket science to me.)


As well as the fact the mod says it is compatible with every-other mod, I don't get why it's the only mod that causes random CTD's when I have it installed. No matter how many times I uninstall / re-install it...


Could I have completely messed up my load order? Is something conflicting? Any ideas are appreciated. Also, off-topic, I also currently seem to get CTD's upon trying to enter a few specific buildings, and I can't get around it.

Edited by Ishoku
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I just can't seem to figure out the solution (considering I usually don't mod my games a lot of this is like rocket science to me.)


As well as the fact the mod says it is compatible with every-other mod, I don't get why it's the only mod that causes random CTD's when I have it installed. No matter how many times I uninstall / re-install it...


Could I have completely messed up my load order? Is something conflicting? Any ideas are appreciated. Also, off-topic, I also currently seem to get CTD's upon trying to enter a few specific buildings, and I can't get around it.


My load order is: (Immersive Armors is not in this load list currently, because due to the random CTD's I'm 100% certain it was in the wrong spot anyway. If you'd like I could add it in and see where BOSS puts it.)




Lanterns of Skyrim - All in One - Main.esm



Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp


Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - RCRN Classic.esp



Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp




Proper Aiming.esp






skyrim bigger trees.esp


Beautiful Cities.esp





rcrn classic - hybrid shaders.esp




PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp (No idea what this is from)





mjhKhajiitSpeakDLC - Dawnguard.esp





Also, as far as the CTD's when entering specific buildings... it seems to be every inn in the game... and Jorrvaskr so far...

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Why are you using these all? Doesn't it cause issue/ they overwrite each other = useless .esps?





Same as above.


"Bashed Patch, 0.esp (No idea what this is from)"


Okay, quick conclusion, you seem to download every mod you like without reading the description.

Bashed patch is created by wrye bash, you should probably recreate it, run boss, and see if game works.


Also, when using boss, check the summary for conflicts.

Come back with new info.

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Why are you using these all? Doesn't it cause issue/ they overwrite each other = useless .esps?





Same as above.


"Bashed Patch, 0.esp (No idea what this is from)"


Okay, quick conclusion, you seem to download every mod you like without reading the description.

Bashed patch is created by wrye bash, you should probably recreate it, run boss, and see if game works.


Also, when using boss, check the summary for conflicts.

Come back with new info.


I do read the descriptions, however I would like to point out that I am human, I make mistakes and I do tend to miss some things from time to time.


Also I would like to re-emphasize the end of my first sentence.

"... (considering I usually don't mod my games a lot of this is like rocket science to me.)"


The boss summary shows the following:

Recognised (or sorted by user rules) 37

Unrecognised 6

Inactive 5

All 43


Plugin Message Type

Warning 0

Error 0

All 4 ( 0 + 0 = 4? )



Your masterlist has been updated to revision 6016 (2012-11-27).


Your SKSE is up-to-date.


I also "recreated" the bashed patch, took me a bit to do since I had no idea how. However, Immersive Armors still causes random CTD's and without it I cannot enter any inn / Jorrvaskr without a CTD.


I do have Papyrus logs enabled, and the crash produces this within the Papyrus log.


[11/27/2012 - 05:15:28AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:28AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:28AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:37AM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:42AM] warning: Property OrsimerVampire on script da04questscript attached to DA04 (0002D512) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:42AM] warning: Property DunmerVampire on script da04questscript attached to DA04 (0002D512) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:42AM] warning: Property AltmerVampire on script da04questscript attached to DA04 (0002D512) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:42AM] warning: Property BosmerVampire on script da04questscript attached to DA04 (0002D512) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:43AM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingDurationSeconds on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:43AM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:43AM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:43AM] warning: Property DLC1AnimalVigor on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:43AM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:43AM] warning: Property ActorTypeNPC on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:43AM] warning: Property DLC1SavageFeedingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:44AM] VM is freezing...

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:44AM] VM is frozen

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:44AM] Reverting game...

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:44AM] warning: Property OrsimerVampire on script da04questscript attached to DA04 (0002D512) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:44AM] warning: Property DunmerVampire on script da04questscript attached to DA04 (0002D512) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:44AM] warning: Property AltmerVampire on script da04questscript attached to DA04 (0002D512) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:44AM] warning: Property BosmerVampire on script da04questscript attached to DA04 (0002D512) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:45AM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingDurationSeconds on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:45AM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:45AM] warning: Property DLC1GorgingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:45AM] warning: Property DLC1AnimalVigor on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:45AM] warning: Property DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:45AM] warning: Property ActorTypeNPC on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:45AM] warning: Property DLC1SavageFeedingPerk on script playerwerewolfchangescript attached to PlayerWerewolfQuest (0002BA16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:51AM] Loading game...

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:52AM] VM is thawing...

[11/27/2012 - 05:15:52AM] [bYOHHouseBuildingPlayerScript <alias Player on quest BYOHHouseBuilding (0300305D)>] OnPlayerLoadGame...

Edited by Ishoku
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Still not sure how to fix it, I'm assuming these "missing scripts" are related to Dawnguard though? Could it be that I have some corrupt files / steam didn't download it correctly? or is there a simpler solution than re-installing?


The load order is now:




Lanterns of Skyrim - All in One - Main.esm



Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp


Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - RCRN Classic.esp



Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp




Proper Aiming.esp



skyrim bigger trees.esp


Beautiful Cities.esp





rcrn classic - hybrid shaders.esp




PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp (No idea what this is from)



mjhKhajiitSpeakDLC - Dawnguard.esp


EDIT: I've been here since my first post, just watching for more possibly helpful posts. D:

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I don't think your CTDs are due to IA. It really doesn't cause them as a general rule.


I don't think it is either. Yet the CTD's constantly start occurring as soon as I activate it... I recently fixed the Jorrvaskr / Inn CTD's but with IA it just will randomly crash every 20s or so, for no reason and I have no clue why.


EDIT: Even the papyrus logs that generate from the crashes are empty and the crashes only start after activating it. That's what baffles me.


EDIT EDIT: Have to hop in the shower before work, if I don't get an answer before work (3pm EST) I'll check back during my lunch break... or after work.

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Anyone have any ideas yet? Or could possibly teach me the wonders of TES5EDIT or Wrye Bash, etc so I can attempt to fix it myself?


Well I can help you with the basics, I am no master of either but TES5Edit is really only to fix dirty edits (will show up in your BOSS log)


Firstly ALWAYS use BOSS because it will ensure your load order is optimized to prevent errors and let mods work correctly.


Three programs I use and what they do:

BOSS: Optimizes load order, shows dirty edits (identical master records, orphaned edits etc) and warns you if it recognizes any conflicts or issues

Wyre Bash: Allows you to merge some mods and update the lists via a bashed patch to ensure you dont have 13 of the same item from different mods

TES5Edit: Used for "cleaning" mods or getting rid of dirty edits.


Here is the step by step I do EVERYTIME I install new mods:


1. Open Wyre Bash

2. Click the "BOSS" Icon in the lower toolbar to optimize load order

3. Ensure there are no conflicts or dirty edits in BOSS log

4. In Wyre Bash select all

5. Right click and select "Mark Mergeable"

6. Select Bash Patch

7. Right click and select Rebuild patch


if dirty edits appear:

1. Open TES5Edit

2. Check BOSS log to see which mods have dirty edits

3. Right click and chose "Select None"

4. Select first mod with dirty edits

5. Load

6. Right click mod and select "Apply filter for cleaning"

7. Right click mod and select "Remove "Identical to Master" Records"

8. Click OK/Yes in pop up box

9. Right click mod and select "Undelete and Disable References"

10. Close TES5Edit to save

11. Repeat with next mod until all are "cleaned"

12. Run BOSS again to ensure all mods "clean"

13. (My favorite part) PLAY TEST!!

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