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Confused About Follower Mods


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So I'm using CBBE but I want to use this mod:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29821?tab=description


It doesn't support CBBE, so that means none of the armors I'm batch building to my CBBE body will fit her UUNP body right? Is there a common work around for this situation where I can have my CBBE body but followers can use a different body and still equip everything my character can with it fitting them?


Also. If a companion mod says "standalone," does it mean I don't have to download any of the mods that they used to make the follower, such as eyes/hair mods? Or do I have to download if I want to make mine look like their screenshots?


Thanks for any help!

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So I'm using CBBE but I want to use this mod:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29821?tab=description


It doesn't support CBBE, so that means none of the armors I'm batch building to my CBBE body will fit her UUNP body right? Is there a common work around for this situation where I can have my CBBE body but followers can use a different body and still equip everything my character can with it fitting them?


Also. If a companion mod says "standalone," does it mean I don't have to download any of the mods that they used to make the follower, such as eyes/hair mods? Or do I have to download if I want to make mine look like their screenshots?


Thanks for any help!


If you load a follower (like Cynthia, the follower I have loaded here on Nexus) they will have the type of body that you specified for your game. So, in your case, the UUNP follower will have a CBBE body. The problem comes with any special armor/clothing that comes with the follower. Those will remain UUNP and not fit correctly. But the CBBE armors that you want her to wear - no problem.


Standalone means NO OTHER MODS NEEDED. So, yes, you don't have to load any of the mods used to make the follower.

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