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What does the FEV actually do


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What does the F.E.V actually do? So it's responsible for creating the mutants, at least a strain of it and it might have altered the bears to yaoguais and such.



But lore wise what else can it do and how contagious is it? Does it still make it's rounds and affect humans, maybe turning them into ghouls?

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F.E.V - The Techno-Babble Answer.

FEV is a megavirus, with a protein sheath reinforced by ionized hydrogen. It is capable of absorbing neutrons without becoming radioactive, i.e. it cannot be sterilized by radiation.
According to President Eden, the virus is designed to only target super mutants, ghouls, and all other "unclean" citizens, namely anyone who had been born in the Wastelands and exposed to radiation and other mutational effects from birth.
The strain responsible for creating regular super mutants is called FEV-II[1][2] and represents the pinnacle of pre-War research into the virus. A different, unfinished FEV strain is the source of the super mutants infesting the Capital Wasteland, intellectually inferior to their West Coast cousins. Other strains created the monsters of Appalachia and the distinct super mutants of the Commonwealth, as well as served as the basis for the Institute's third generation synths.
The FEV exists in various forms across all of the Fallout games, mainly to serve goals of the various antagonists. It was through the FEV that the Master made his super mutant army and how the Enclave meant to purify the world of mutation.
Hope this helps? If you understand genetic techno-babble. :cool:
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Yes I skimmed it, or searched via keywords. To me it's still not clear how the transmission properly works. It's probably droplet-contact but still.



From " Lore " - it's ' caught ' via the following means:



* Drinking / Eating.


* I think also via Breathing it in in HIGH LEVELS - via the Vault in FO 3 where the Mutants were coming from in the Capital Wasteland.


Those are pretty much the 2 ways that I am aware of ....

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