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A ship mod


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Hey guys!


I was thinking, where would be the best place to place a ship mod (in Skyrim preferrably)

I have finished the interiors of the ship, created a companion to go with it, and some story.

Where specifically in Skyrim do you think would be the best place to put a ship. I was thinking Solitude or Dawnstar, or even Winterhold. I would appreciate anyone who has any ideas!




- PrimeCurse

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Perhaps the lake near Riverwood? its a cosy place, but not that lorefriendly perhaps? wy build a ship in a pond? beneath Solitude could be a cool place, or at the ocean at Windhelm perhaps, tho it gets to cold there :laugh: Edited by Shadiva
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Perhaps the lake near Riverwood? its a cosy place, but not that lorefriendly perhaps? wy build a ship in a pond? beneath Solitude could be a cool place, or at the ocean at Windhelm perhaps, tho it gets to cold there :laugh:

Thanks for the comment. I would've placed it in the river next to Riften but that would be a bit strange :)

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Hrm, there's already a few fishing ships in Lake Honrich (Riften), as well as a decent dock, so that wouldn't be too far fetched. I can't think of any docking facilities in Lake Ilinalta (North of Falkreath) that would support a ship. There are even rumors that Lake Ilinalta is cursed, which could explain why there aren't any large vessels found there (except for one that sunk).
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Hrm, there's already a few fishing ships in Lake Honrich (Riften), as well as a decent dock, so that wouldn't be too far fetched. I can't think of any docking facilities in Lake Ilinalta (North of Falkreath) that would support a ship. There are even rumors that Lake Ilinalta is cursed, which could explain why there aren't any large vessels found there (except for one that sunk).

Could always make up some story for it being in lake Honrich maybe.

Edited by Hunter117
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Hm yeah perhaps leave that place out of the calculation, dont wanna disturb the ghost!:pirate: perhaps Solitud then? not sure atm if there are any dock ready for it, cant remember, not sure either how big the Solitude town area are, if there could be any problems with a moded Solitude to make this mod behave in a bad way, conflict etc, then probably better in Riften, or am i out fishing realy here? perhaps such mods are only inside the "walls"? haha always full of strange thoughts :laugh:


what size is the ship? is it like a big Manowar or something? :woot:

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