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What is this visual effect called?


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Hello, I am new to modding, and in my search for the best graphics mods, I've been seeing a lot of this effect:


"Fading Backgrounds?" - - - in which the camera fades in and out of specific objects at random times...?


Here are 2 screenshots of what I mean:




Firstly, I would like to know what this effect is called? How does it work?


From watching videos, I don't think I would like this effect, because I think it would get in the way of things that I am trying to look at, would you agree?


What is your opinion on it, and how can I tell which mods implement it?



Edited by Lite8888
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Question answered. I'd just add, though, that the various ENB DOF effects look absolutely fantastic in first person because they work like a camera (so what your cursor is targeted on is in focus, everything else in front and behind out of focus, so it's very movie-like).


But none of them are very good in third person, as your cursor is generally naturally aimed more at the ground, so the background is almost permanently blurred. Also DOF looks crappy on horseback as there's no independent control of the cursor on horseback, so again, your character is in focus, the background perma-blurred.


Just something to be aware of if you play in third person a lot.


There is a program (ENBSSAODoFtoggler) that allows you to easiliy switch DOF on and off on the fly though, which somewhat gets around that.

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I don't like that effect either. I hate it.


Almost every mod has it BUT usually these mods come with a version without that effect so you don't need to use it. For example Project ENB has different options and I chose that option which does not include DOF. If you find a mod which visually pleases you, just check the folders you download and explore the options ;)

Edited by asuraz
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