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Let's talk about finding the BEST combat mods.


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I'm new to modding, about to start my second run of this game.


After being amazed by all the graphics mods, I realized that they won't improve the game so much... but combat will.


Here is what I dream of:


Dynamic Close-Quarters Combat


I've seen a bunch of mods out there and can't decide which are better. Could anyone tell me which mod comes closest to what I am about to describe?


- Over-Head attacks, blocks, parrys, and head-dodges

- Right and Left attacks, blocks, parrys, and side-steps

- Frontal fast-paced weapon jabs, blocks, parrys, and torso lunges

- Shield bashes that can be countered

- Smart enemy AI

- Balance, both early and late game (challenging but still do-able)


I don't think I will bother with magic or ranged weapons; it seems that close-quarters combat is the way to go if you want to really have challenging interactive fights, am I right?


Anyone that has played around with these mods and different combat styles, please share what you have learned, and what you believe is the best COMBAT experience this game has to offer.



Edited by Lite8888
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