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How to Ensure My Mod Works with NMM?


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I believe the Nexus Mod Manager utility has a feature to automatically download and install subscribed mods.


I'd like to make sure my Shout-Tastic mod, which consists of one .esp file and one .bsa file in a .zip archive, works OK with this feature. Do I need to use a specific archive format, like .rar format, or include a folder labeled "Data" within the archive?


If anyone can help me confirm this, or test installing my mod with NMM's subscription feature, it would be greatly appreciated.

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As long as all the files in your mod go to the "data" folder, you don't need to add any directories within the zip/rar. Any files that go into folders inside the "data" folder, such as "meshes" or "textures", should be placed in a matching folder within the archive.
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