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Ash Piles


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Whenever I crit someone with an alien blaster or laser and they turn to ash, it would be nice to have an option of using the Z key to blow wave away or otherwise disperse the pile and leaving whatever loot they dropped as items on the ground. (Also, the size of the ash pile could vary depending on the size of the enemy. ^.^)


I say this only because I remember someone having a problem accessing a manhole cover because the enemy he turned to ash was standing on it and it was completely obscured by the pile.


It would also be neat if we could use a flamer to turn corpses into ash piles. :P

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This mod should be made. I'm not sure about having it disappear and leaving the items behind but the pile size needs to be fixed. I find it odd that when you get a critical on a supermutant behemoth it turns into a little tiny pile of ash. It should turn into a huge flaming pile of ash and slag.
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