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Sheathing Staff on back?


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Though I'm not a Staff user.. yet! Think it would be a pretty cool idea, probably really easy too! So I second this request. :] For when the day comes that I do get into a mage character.


(And then right after I reply I see the "DO NOT BUMP POSTS" and the description, so I slap myself since I can't delete this. ._. My apologies.)

Edited by trezela
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I don't thinks seconding the request will count as a bump....I think no bumping is more aimed at people who post and expect an immediate reply and bump thier post back to the top constantly.


I don't know how to make the staff "sheath" to the back but I'm sure someone can figure it out...I'm actually a little surprised it doesn't do it in vanilla Skyrim...staffs are in the weapons selection in the inventory so to me it makes sense that it would act like other weaons. But then staffs are typically also used as walking sticks so I can also see why they were made to be constantly carried...like a shepard's staff for example.

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A mod that has two options: Staff on back, and Staff in Hand, would be epic.


One option has the staff across the back like a two handed weapon.



The other option has the staff in a resting position as normal for staffs, in one hand upright, off to forward-left/right side of the character slightly away from the body depending on which hand it is in.


Armed to the Teeth and DSpSoB are both confusing as hell, so I haven't touched them.

Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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  • 2 months later...

A mod that has two options: Staff on back, and Staff in Hand, would be epic.


One option has the staff across the back like a two handed weapon.



The other option has the staff in a resting position as normal for staffs, in one hand upright, off to forward-left/right side of the character slightly away from the body depending on which hand it is in.


Armed to the Teeth and DSpSoB are both confusing as hell, so I haven't touched them.


This is exactly what I'm looking for. Another good option would be to mimic the animation and positions of holding torches.

Edited by ZombieJesuz
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