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i got new computer and had to put all my stuff back on. i installed battleteck and whent to nexus mods to get the mods. i have vortex and got the mods i wanted useing votex yet when i stat game and go to mods thir not thir also i deleated them form votext and tryed manul install and still thay not shoing up in the mods section when i start the game. what do i do to get the mods to work

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot of the mods are not useable now due to the new update/dlc.
Some few do work, since the game itself now has built in mod support. You don't need an external mod manager anymore.
The place you need to put the Mods you down load is ove in your Documents section of the computer. You should look for a folder called MyGames or something simular. In there you should find a folder for Battletech. Make a new Folder inside that called Mods. In THAT folder is where your downloaded unzipped mod folder will go.
When you have all that done, you need to start the game and find the tab for Mod Support. In there you can enable or disable mods you have. It will require a game restart to finalise the activation.
If all goes well, the mods you wnat shoudl now be working for you. If they are not, chances are they were not updated to the newest patch or dlc.

Hope this helped and good luck.

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