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I'd like to see.


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-fire damage

i think it would add to the realism if you step into the fire you get hurt...

-may even be neat to have a haze effect near fire (heat kinda blurs your vision)


-binoculars/nv goggles

it's already been said, but i'm an extremely cautious player and lookind down my scoped sniper everytime i want to look ahead

again, with the nv/ir goggles somone's already stated them but i still think it would be neat


-directional flashlight

as in any other fps where the light is directed where you're looking not just illuminating you for your enemies to see (still have the light be more detectable enemies)


-ammo types / damage

as in fallout 2(never played 1) the damage was determined by ammo type (hollow point vs. full metal jacket etc) and just change the way damage is calculated (have different ammo to load, sitll have weapon condition (say have the condition determine a base damage and have the ammo types just add to it a little) )


-lv cap

again, it's a popular request, but to add, like some others have said, at sv 20 , there's some powerful perks and along with the lv increase, maybe modify the lv 20 perks so you can spread the out more or something (also increase the skill cap (but not to much) to make the lv increase actually do something


-play after story

i love a chance to go back through and explore more and stuff and not just getting booted and have to start a new game.


let me know what you think...

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