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Blockhead features, or not something that exists?


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So, I may be reading this wrong. But it seems Blockhead can have an armor take the shape of the wearer's body. As opposed to changing it. Is this true?


If not, is there a mod that does this. If so, how do I make it work? Losing my mind trying to see if there is something that does this. I don't want to use SetBody, or anything that changes the body types. I just want armor to fit my character, and NPC's.

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It is possible with Blockhead ver 11.0 by using script functions it introduces. See Blockhead_readme.rtf Equipment Override section for details.

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For a little bit more details, it does not change the armor to the shape of your body. That's not how this game works. In this game every item which occupies a specific slot will "replace" this slot's body part model while worn. There's no way around that. That's why when your body mod gives you very bulky or busty nude bodies but you don't have fitting adapted clothing and armor replacers, then you'll switch back to scrawny or flat-chested bodies underneath your clothing or armor items when you equip them. The body part comes with the clothes you wear.


What the latest version of Blockhead allows you to do now is to write equipment override handlers so you can write scripts to switch the appearance of the items you equip to one that will fit your body shape, but only if you have fitting adapted NIF files for that, as you can only change the NIF file the item's appearance will use.


I myself have not yet succeeded to make this work. But I know of some other mods out there which got much further in this than my first attempt, each with their own one or other limitation or drawback though. But sadly it isn't as straightforward and simple as the tiered overrides, where just having a differently named NIF file flying around will make race- or NPC-based overrides automatically kick in.

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Okay, that is what I was having trouble with as well. I couldn't get the Blockhead scripting, or commands to work. I was hoping the ini would be useful. But all I managed to do was get the animations in menu override stuff to work. It obviously has to reference an existing file path to work. But I have no idea how to reference it in the ini, or in console commands. But thank you so much for the concise answer. Been trying to get LightGutslower/EBEupper to work. Not a ton is done with that setup.


Looking to see if NifSE has anything promising.

Edited by 5FingerButtPunch
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