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How to make mountain and rock nifs cast & receive shadows?


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after watching some videos i see that many of my mountains, cliffs, and assorted rock structures do not cast (or possibly receive) shadows. many of my nifs are from old mods or collections like Tamriel Reloaded and others. search some newer mods i see their nifs have setting mine don't such as mine will have ...skyrim shader type -heightmap, and theirs will be "default". also flags like cast shadows, parrallax ect. i also saw this in the USLEEP logs...





None of the landscape parts for mountains cast shadows even though all of them are large enough to need it. (meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliff01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliff02.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliff03.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliff04.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliffsm01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainpeak01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainpeak02.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainridge01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainridge02.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainridge03.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim01wet.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim02.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim02wet.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim03.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim03wet.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrimslab.nif) (Bug #14424)"


so before i change all my nifs and screw up performance or something, what are the rules for getting nifs to show shadows? thanks

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