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Getting Started with 3D modeling


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Does anyone recommend and programs, guides, or w/e to get started on 3D modeling? Specifically I was interested in doing armor mods for Skyrim.


Assume i am a complete neanderthal when it comes to 3D modeling and Skyrim modding!


I am good at reading though, thanks for any recommendations yall!

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Software? Well, most people start with free stuff...what you need at least (the last one is always the free version):


Cinema4D, May, 3DsMax or Blender with NifPlugin (3D editor to create models),

Photoshop or Gimp with Nvidia DDS plugin (Image Editor to create textures),

FO3 Archive Utility (to extract original games files like .nif and .dds)

NifSkope (to edit .nif)

Optional: zBrush, Mudbox or Sculptris (sculpting/texturing software)


.nif = Skyrim's "container" format to store 3D models, effects and other sutff

.dds = texture format


There are 2 stickies on the front page of the Mod Talk section with tons of tutorials.

Or check out my weapon signature tutorial to get a ROUGH IDEA bout the whole process.

And start with simple stuff like static weapons, armor needs weighting - much more complicated.



Edited by ghosu
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Thanks guys, I'll be sure to check those out.


I actually have used GIMP to create images for textures for a friend who was modding. I just made the images and sent to him though. If I remember correctly I had some trouble with the plugin. I am very good at image editing actually, so the textures will likely be the easy part for me.


Will start with the simple stuff for sure. I am quite aware that (as with all things in life) it will take experience to do awesome stuff.

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