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Brutal Realism combat injuries


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I know this is a long shot as the amount of work would probably be huge but its something I would love to see (hell people made full on "porn" mods so why not right?) What I imagine is a mod that adds wounds (opened flesh, possibly broken/exposed bones, spilled organs etc) severable limbs (legs, feet, arms, hands, hips, shoulder, maybe even a cut in half type of thing) and maybe deformities cause from blunt force trauma (dislocation of limbs[not sure thats possible with engine and textures without causing some serious funny looking warping] and possibly caved in skulls. I love skyrim, and love mods like enhanced blood textures etc but would really love to be able to see a gruesomely brutal look to combat. Hacking off heads is nice and all but I would love to be able to hack off limbs and see cuts and punctures in the corpse. Maybe even add something for mages (I know theres the burn frost and shock effects on corpses already) but have burn marks for fire and another decal for shock and maybe a frostbitten look for frost.


So is this even possible? If so I would LOVE too see one of the diabolical masterminds of the nexus community allow my morbid vision to be created (take all the credit too lol) so that I may journey through skyrim dismembering and disemboweling my enemies!

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