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Spark79 - BANNED

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Spark79 banned.





Attack on a mod author via PM.


Spark7979 here. f*** you and your mod you absolute cocksucking c***. What I asked for wasn't urnreasonable in the slightest and certainly wouldn't take effort to add. Idgaf if it's you're mod. You put it on a public forum and you will get criticism for it. Your hostile responses were completely unwarrented. You probably think because it's your mod people should use it exactly the way you made it, sorry doesn't work like that. It's the property of whoever downloads it, that's why patches for mods exist. If you can't handle your precious intellectual property being tampered with then you're not a very good modder. People are allowed to change things in whatever they want, it's called creativity man.


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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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