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Make your own faction


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Pretty much what the title says, not sure if it is possible but if it is and some people have the time a mod like that could be made.


If you want some examples here are some things i have thought of:

Adventurer guild (kinda like oblivion's fighters guild maybe?)

Some sort of dragonborn disciple sort of thing (Teach em how to kill gods! lol)

Third party for civil war?(obviously the hardest to make i imagine, got a lot of ideas people could use though)

Edited by Dovahshep
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I'm not sure how possible this actually is.. Do you mean like a quest mod where you build a faction from the ground up? I think whoever would pick this up needs more details about what you have in mind.


Personally, I think it'd be interesting to take something like Hearthfire, except instead of building a home, you get to build a faction HQ, but I also have no clue if there would be any way to support custom names, if that was something else you had in mind.

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I'm not sure how possible this actually is.. Do you mean like a quest mod where you build a faction from the ground up? I think whoever would pick this up needs more details about what you have in mind.


Personally, I think it'd be interesting to take something like Hearthfire, except instead of building a home, you get to build a faction HQ, but I also have no clue if there would be any way to support custom names, if that was something else you had in mind.


yeah i wanted to leave it open i just wanted to get the creative juices flowing if you know what i mean

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