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Weird Ground Textures


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Hi, I'm having some issues with the ground textures in Skyrim. It's NOT the purple thing, other people had that problem. ehm well look at the picture and see for yourself. Im just outside cloud ruler temple, theres supposed to be a road over here but all roads are gone. Theres is like a picture of snow next to a picture of a cobbestone road.





These are mods I have installed:


All +5 Attribute Modifiers

Arena Compativle Robes (deactivated)

Capes and Cloaks

Colourwheels sexy oblivion Overhaul

Enchantment Restore over time

Harvest Flora (deactivated)

HGEC body

Natural Environments

Underdark OMOD


Viconia DeVir part one


What can I do? I have already tried to pick out a mod that did this but no luck deactivated all of them and the same problem. I also reinstalled even had steam redownload everything but no luck.


I'm running windows 7 btw

with a ATI Radeon HD 5700

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Good troubleshooting and nice detective work. :thumbsup: This is kind of after the fact, but here's what Koroush Ghazi says about that ini setting in his Oblivion Tweak Guide, Advanced Tweaking section:

MaxLandscapeTextures=0 - If set to 1, this setting appears to increase the use of generic landscape texture in place of more specific ones. This saves on texture memory, but can cause graphical oddities, such as roads being replaced with grass textures, or clear lines where different types of textures should blend into each other. It may also cause problems with the LOD Texture Replacement mods, and hence is only recommended for those with very low-end graphics cards struggling with stuttering and low FPS.
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Yeah I think that for some reason Oblivion doesn't recognize my video card (I read that somewhere has something to do with the ATI Radeon) Anyway, because of that the tlb command is always on when I start (so there are no shadows whatso ever) and well oblivion just seems to think that I play on a toaster :wallbash:
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