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The fiscal cliff


The fiscal cliff  

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  1. 1. will congress get anything done about the fiscal cliff before the end of the year?

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It's done!


The house just passed the bill to aviod The fiscal cliff with 257 votes.


The reason why the government is so divided is because the Republican party is so divided. :laugh:


So glad I will not be paying over $2000 more in taxes a year. Reguardless the republican party is still damaged politically as a whole. Only about 1/3 of The Congressional Republican party actually voted to pass this bill. it's still almost certain the republican party will be loosing the house next cycle.


Obama just gave a speech saying he will not debate over the debt ceiling this year. Obama is very agressive this term. it's irresponsible for congress to default on the debt like they tried to do in 2011 anyways. But I guess this could be a new debate in itself.


My guess is The Congressional Republican party will try to default on the debt anyways because most of them are probably actaully just there to obstruct legislation. :facepalm:


The 112th congress should feel so embarrassed, their public approval rating is less than 9% as of today.

Edited by colourwheel
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Wow? It went up? I think it was hovering around 5% last time I checked......


I think taxes are still going to go up a bit, just not as much if nothing had been passed. (according to what I read this morning....) I don't think I make enough money for it to be an issue though. :)


Obama doesn't have to worry about keeping opinions up for the next presidential election, so, he is a lot 'freer' in what he can get away with in his second term. Expect to see him being more aggressive over the next four years. Not sure I see that as a 'good' thing.......

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I'm not too happy with either side, but I am delighted that they actually managed to do it!


I heard somewhere yesterday that the Republicans only finally did something because they realized (finally) how much they'd be even more hated if they sat on their hands and did nothing. Self-serving, yes, but at least it went through.

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I'm not too happy with either side, but I am delighted that they actually managed to do it!


I heard somewhere yesterday that the Republicans only finally did something because they realized (finally) how much they'd be even more hated if they sat on their hands and did nothing. Self-serving, yes, but at least it went through.


Have a look at some of the articles coming out about how folks are somewhat less than happy with the house republicans for NOT voting on the Aid bill for folks affected by Sandy. :) Talk about cutting your own throat with a dull knife......

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I'm not too happy with either side, but I am delighted that they actually managed to do it!


I heard somewhere yesterday that the Republicans only finally did something because they realized (finally) how much they'd be even more hated if they sat on their hands and did nothing. Self-serving, yes, but at least it went through.


Have a look at some of the articles coming out about how folks are somewhat less than happy with the house republicans for NOT voting on the Aid bill for folks affected by Sandy. :) Talk about cutting your own throat with a dull knife......


lol less than happy is being polite...


The Congressional Republican party is done next cycle. I have this feeling even the republican party as a whole will become split up leading the party to no longer being concidered major player in the two party system. The democratic party will probably be in control on capital hill for decades unless they get their party together. I honestly believe they just need to get rid of the teaparty advocates. It's the teaparty movement that has actually destroyed the republican party.

Edited by colourwheel
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I'm not too happy with either side, but I am delighted that they actually managed to do it!


I heard somewhere yesterday that the Republicans only finally did something because they realized (finally) how much they'd be even more hated if they sat on their hands and did nothing. Self-serving, yes, but at least it went through.


Have a look at some of the articles coming out about how folks are somewhat less than happy with the house republicans for NOT voting on the Aid bill for folks affected by Sandy. :) Talk about cutting your own throat with a dull knife......


lol less than happy is being polite...


The Congressional Republican party is done next cycle. I have this feeling even the republican party as a whole will become split up leading the party to no longer being concidered major player in the two party system. The democratic party will probably be in control on capital hill for decades unless they get their party together. I honestly believe they just need to get rid of the teaparty advocates. It's the teaparty movement that has actually destroyed the republican party.



Unless the dems do something REALLY stupid in the meantime.... which wouldn't be that much of a stretch. :)

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The Congressional Republican party is done next cycle. I have this feeling even the republican party as a whole will become split up leading the party to no longer being concidered major player in the two party system. The democratic party will probably be in control on capital hill for decades unless they get their party together. I honestly believe they just need to get rid of the teaparty advocates. It's the teaparty movement that has actually destroyed the republican party.



Unless the dems do something REALLY stupid in the meantime.... which wouldn't be that much of a stretch. :)


Highly doubt the Democratic party will do anything stupid the next few cycles. Unlike the Republican party, The Democratic party is not internally divided. Lucky for the Democrates they don't have a deranged caucus or a Grover Norquist telling them what to do. The Democrates don't normally put politics over trying to help the people or the country.


It's like when ever Republican policies become accepted by the Democratic party seems they just want to reject them. The bush tax cuts use to be thought as this thing that was free and good for the country by the republican party because they claimed they would pay for themselves some how by the rich and from buisnesses recycling the money they saved back into the economy (reguardless how realistically expensive it was costing the country.The rich and buisnesses were not stimulating the economy with the money they saved.). Now that the Bush tax cuts are law for about 99% of all americans forever, it is an evil thing to republicans and the country can't afford to keep them. How convienent it's now fully endorced by the democratic party. So logically The republican party doesn't like the bush tax cuts anymore...

Edited by colourwheel
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Hehehe, I wouldn't say that either party is above putting politics before the people--but, I would agree with you that a certain segment of Republicans would rather see the country run into the ground through inaction than ever make a politically difficult governing decision.


Which is why, even though he is universally despised, Boehner will probably keep his Speakership--because nobody in the Tea Party Caucus is man enough to step up to the plate and challenge him. They won't do this because they realize that being the Speaker places a certain--through limited in the 2010-2012 era--demand on actually GOVERNING that Tea Party purists find repugnant. They would rather chill back in their ivory tower of ideological purity than ever put themselves in a position where they might be forced to make a compromise for the good of the country.


The problem with the Republican party is precisely that they are two parties in one--in a way that Democrats are not, and have not been since the early 1960s (I refer to "Southern Democrats" versus the rest of the party vis-a-vis Civil Rights legislation). Republicans come in a wide variety of flavors these days, from the Libertarians (the ones that I'm most down with) like Ron Paul, to the Establishment (Boehner, Bush, McConnell, etc.), the Evangelicals (Huckabee, Santorum), and the Tea Party (Paul Ryan, Allen West, etc.). Establishment Republicans have traditionally been the most interested in actually governing (meaning compromising), but they are becoming an endangered species due to their consistently losing primary fights to Tea Partiers challenging them from their right.


The result has been that that Establishment types have been held hostage by the threat of a primary challenge, the only antidote of which is 100% ideological purity and towing the Tea Party orthodox line. Anything less than that invites a primary challenge, and the Koch Bros. and/or Sheldon Adelson are only TOO happy to sponsor any--regardless of IQ or qualification--challenger willing to run under the Tea Party banner. The result is a Republican party that is literally quaking in their boots at the primary clout of the far-right, afraid to do their Constitutionally mandated job of actually governing all the while gumming up our political system because they... unfortunately... hold the majority in the House (for the time being).


It invites the saying of "If you aren't part of the solution, get out of the way" except that the far-right refuses to get out of the way, guaranteeing that nothing of any importance ever gets done.

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I'm not too happy with either side, but I am delighted that they actually managed to do it!


I heard somewhere yesterday that the Republicans only finally did something because they realized (finally) how much they'd be even more hated if they sat on their hands and did nothing. Self-serving, yes, but at least it went through.


Have a look at some of the articles coming out about how folks are somewhat less than happy with the house republicans for NOT voting on the Aid bill for folks affected by Sandy. :) Talk about cutting your own throat with a dull knife......


lol less than happy is being polite...


The Congressional Republican party is done next cycle. I have this feeling even the republican party as a whole will become split up leading the party to no longer being concidered major player in the two party system. The democratic party will probably be in control on capital hill for decades unless they get their party together. I honestly believe they just need to get rid of the teaparty advocates. It's the teaparty movement that has actually destroyed the republican party.


You're right, I was being polite. I really wanted to say a bunch fo things that would lead to my banning, but I didn't want that :D

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I'm not too happy with either side, but I am delighted that they actually managed to do it!


I heard somewhere yesterday that the Republicans only finally did something because they realized (finally) how much they'd be even more hated if they sat on their hands and did nothing. Self-serving, yes, but at least it went through.


Have a look at some of the articles coming out about how folks are somewhat less than happy with the house republicans for NOT voting on the Aid bill for folks affected by Sandy. :) Talk about cutting your own throat with a dull knife......


lol less than happy is being polite...


The Congressional Republican party is done next cycle. I have this feeling even the republican party as a whole will become split up leading the party to no longer being concidered major player in the two party system. The democratic party will probably be in control on capital hill for decades unless they get their party together. I honestly believe they just need to get rid of the teaparty advocates. It's the teaparty movement that has actually destroyed the republican party.


You're right, I was being polite. I really wanted to say a bunch fo things that would lead to my banning, but I didn't want that :D


On that, I would have to agree with you. Currently, the government is broken, and very little gets done. Too many folks playing political games, and cow-towing to their campaign donors. The system needs a major overhaul, but, it isn't going to happen, because the only folks that could affect the necessary change, are the same folks that benefit the most from leaving things as they are. Ever notice that if folks aren't millionaires when they go to DC, the sure are when they leave? Makes ya wonder what that's all about eh?

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