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The fiscal cliff


The fiscal cliff  

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  1. 1. will congress get anything done about the fiscal cliff before the end of the year?

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colourwheel - you may want to look here www.fcc.gov/lifeline


The thing that amazes me is that the Dems and Repubs seem to be in general agreement on pretty much everything to address the cliff except higher taxes for the rich. There has been 12 years of tax breaks for the rich, breaks that were advanced by the government of the day (Repub) that said the rich would create jobs, spend more, hire more, and generally stimulate the economy through cash flow if they were given tax breaks. Is there anyone, anywhere that can show that this happened and not that the USA went into the worst recession it has seen since the 1930's?


Pretty much every expert says the only way the US can stop spending 1.3 trillion dollars more a year than they generate is through cuts to government spending and increased taxation. The problem is, less spending and higher taxes will probably kill every inch of recovery made in the last few years and put the US into an even worse recession. And sadly, the fiscal cliff is a two fold solution that A) cuts spending by 110 billion a year for 10 years and B) increases taxes.


The most likely thing to happen at this point is both sides will agree to a temporary hold for six months so they can look at the mess later.

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Colour lets take all the money from the richest Americans. All of it. Now what? We run the government on it for a little over a month. And then since none of these rich people can invest in anything, stocks crash, companies go bankrupt and the slightly recovering economy slides right back down, and this time into a deep depression.


I have to ask. Do you like capitalism, or do you think its some sort of corrupt extortion/pyramid scheme?

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Colour lets take all the money from the richest Americans. All of it. Now what? We run the government on it for a little over a month. And then since none of these rich people can invest in anything, stocks crash, companies go bankrupt and the slightly recovering economy slides right back down, and this time into a deep depression.


I have to ask. Do you like capitalism, or do you think its some sort of corrupt extortion/pyramid scheme?


taking all the money from the richest Americans would not be a good idea. Yet the rich being taxed fairly would help to run the government better for decades. The average corperation employeer makes over 400 times more money than there employees these days. The rich being taxed at a higher rate and also the rich being taxed fair has been proven during clinton administration to have helped the economy leading to surplus.


you have to understand the rich will not be hurting very much paying fair taxes. Also there is no evidence giving tax cuts for the rich ever help the economy.


capitalism is only good when its regulated or eventually a pure capitalistic nation would end up with 1% owning over 99% of the countries wealth and the rest living in poverty.

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Colour lets take all the money from the richest Americans. All of it. Now what? We run the government on it for a little over a month. And then since none of these rich people can invest in anything, stocks crash, companies go bankrupt and the slightly recovering economy slides right back down, and this time into a deep depression.


I have to ask. Do you like capitalism, or do you think its some sort of corrupt extortion/pyramid scheme?


taking all the money from the richest Americans would not be a good idea. Yet the rich being taxed fairly would help to run the government better for decades. The average corperation employeer makes over 400 times more money than there employees these days. The rich being taxed at a higher rate and also the rich being taxed fair has been proven during clinton administration to have helped the economy leading to surplus.


you have to understand the rich will not be hurting very much paying fair taxes. Also there is no evidence giving tax cuts for the rich ever help the economy.


capitalism is only good when its regulated or eventually a pure capitalistic nation would end up with 1% owning over 99% of the countries wealth and the rest living in poverty.


I agree with you then, the rich should pay more. But how do we define rich? Obama wanted to define the rich as people making over $250,000 a year. Or a small business making over $250,000 each year. I don't know about you, but I would hardly call someone making $250 grand rich. Well to do obviously, but not rich. A private small business owner making that kind of money with an incorporated business is someone who is taxed at 35% last I checked. Meanwhile large companies like GM, GE, Microsoft, Coke etc get away with earning hundreds of millions a quarter, and not paying a cent in taxes. Thats wrong, we as capitalist should value all business but not allow the big ones to trample the little ones. People like to say that the Republicans are only for big business but I don't think those people realize how much they are helping big companies when the smaller privately held companies pay more.


Reminds me of the anti trust laws.. Big companies using their power and influence, to well.. influence..


Something has to change. The playing field has to be equal. Not equal ownership, but an actual equal chance at success, a place where the long established do not immediately crush the young and fresh. Obama promised this over and over again, but I haven't once seen him deliver.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It's official!


The 112th congress is the worst in history. We have already gone over the fiscal cliff Today. The house couldn't get anything done so they passed the problem over to the Senate. The Senate early in the morning wrote up a bill and passed with 89 votes. Today it was handed down to the house and the majority leader is not going to bring the bill to a vote till its further amended...?!?!? the senate won't come back to work till the 113th congress. The legislative prossess will have to start all over again once the 113th congress begins.


The Congressional Republican party is already being blamed for the biggest tax hike in American history. This is going to possibly damage the republican party for years to come in the congressional branch.


Thank you Congressional Republicans for making my taxes and just about everyones elses taxes around the nation go up over $2000 more a year!!! :down:


I am sorry to say this but The Republican party is just plain "malarkey" when i say "malarkey" they are worst than "crap" :armscrossed:


How fitting, the republican party created this economic doomsday scenario as bargaining power to debunk any radical agenda Obama might try to push since it was created and now The Republican party is going to have to eat up the fact they failed and now they are ultimately to blame for purposely deciding to let our country go into a deep recession just when the economy was just getting better.

Edited by colourwheel
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Yeah, it appears there weren't any spending cuts (or, not very much, if any) in the Senate passed bill, and the house republicans are unhappy with that.... At least until the markets open tomorrow, (wednesday) and start dropping like a stone thru vacuum...... At that point, they might actually call a vote on it. :)
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Yeah, it appears there weren't any spending cuts (or, not very much, if any) in the Senate passed bill, and the house republicans are unhappy with that.... At least until the markets open tomorrow, (wednesday) and start dropping like a stone thru vacuum...... At that point, they might actually call a vote on it. :)


Then they shouldn't have decided to pass the problem over to the senate to deal with...


If They hand over the problem to the Senate because they couldn't write up a bill to pass with enough Republican votes and then the Senate writes a bill up and passes it with 89 votes then sends it to congress to vote on, They have no room to complain about anything. They should have voted on it as it is and if it passes then send it to Obama to sign. The end...


They can't get it done in time even if they decided to vote on it on wedneday. If they been wasting their time on trying to amend it, The Senate isn't coming back till the 113th congress. Even if they voted on an amended bill the Senate has to vote on it again.


The Congressional Republican party is probably going to be thrown out of power next cycle. This pretty much makes it official. :thumbsup:


The Congressional Republican party has just proved they were not there to help government, they were just there to obstruct it.


Think Obama is saving his political capital for when the house and senate is totally controlled by the democratic party next cycle. Which honestly is a very good political move. Obama will be able to accomplish everything on his agenda he stated on sundays "meet the press" last weekend and more including meaningful gun reform which was not on his top priority in that interview since the Sandy hook shooting happened.


Because of The fiscal cliff I believe the republican party as a whole has just completely committed political suicide. They will probably not have much power on capital hill for decades to come.


Can only hope they get someone just like karl rove to waste their campaign money again next cycle. :laugh:

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Breaking news!!!


The house might vote on the bill as it is tonight!!! (without amendments)


They must have gotten so much pressure today by the media machine where they are scared not to. :teehee: despite the fact they didn't have enough votes to the GOP "amended version" to pass anyways. :laugh:


wonder if it will actually pass the house now...

Edited by colourwheel
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I REALLY don't want the dems controlling all three houses..... that would rather suck. Sure, there are a bunch of things that I am on the same page with them, but, there are others..... that I most certainly am NOT. (oh, gee... really? Imagine that.... :D)


I am not sure just what the republicans are thinking at this point, or even if they are thinking AT ALL. They HAVE to know that not passing something, and just letting us all go over the cliff is most certainly political suicide.... but then, they have been nothing but obstructionists since the 2010 elections. I think whatever plan they thought they had is going to turn around and bite them right in the keester. Hard. I don't want EITHER party to be able to just waltz whatever laws they want right on thru..... If the dems talk too loudly about gun control, I think they will find republicans coming out in force to support their candidates next election....

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