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The fiscal cliff


The fiscal cliff  

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  1. 1. will congress get anything done about the fiscal cliff before the end of the year?

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This is the big paradox about the Tea Party ideology. They are trying to get politicians elected into government office when they themselves don't even believe in government. How does an elected official sensibly even try to be a part of government when the sole purpose they were put into office by their caucus is just to obstruct it?


Then when it comes down to being obviously defeated or lead to compromise their leaders just go into denial and/or make up ridiculous excuses to rational the outcome. Then they go out and try to bring in others to replace the people who failed them to just do more obstruction in government.





I mean come on... Grover Norquist doesn't even live in reality yet alone even seems to understand what really happened about The fiscal cliff. He is in denial that the fact he is kinda completely irrelevant to the republican party now that over a 3rd of The Congressional Republican party as well as a stark majority of the republican senate voted on to permanently increase taxes on about 1% of the nation. Yet for some reason the republicans still fear him but I bet behind his back they probably think he is just a joke.


How does a political party as a whole get rid of these ideological idiots that control half the party that will ultimately destroy them in the long run?


Does the Republican Party realize that the Tea Party will be their undoing and lead to them becoming a minority party for decades if things don't seriously change?


Here is my analogy of the ideology they hold.... "lets keep on sending in monkeys into outerspace to fix broken space satellites because we believe this is the only way to fix them and we will never try anything else." :rolleyes:

Edited by colourwheel
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  On 1/3/2013 at 2:02 PM, HeyYou said:

Wasn't the 'deal' that was passed just a stop-gap measure implemented for a couple months?? I seem to remember reading something about that? No?


This will explain what has happened...





Individual Income


It will raise tax rates on income of individuals above $400,000 and married couples above $450,000. That’s double the individual threshold Obama campaigned on and 80 percent higher than his preferred level for married couples.


The top rates on capital gains and dividends will increase to 23.8 percent starting at the same income thresholds, including a 3.8 percent tax that starts today on top earners. Limits on personal exemptions and itemized deductions for top earners that had been phased out will return, for individuals starting at $250,000 and married couples starting at $300,000.


Estates will receive an exemption of more than $5 million and a 40 percent top rate, splitting the difference on rates between Republicans and Democrats. The exemption will be indexed for inflation. The alternative minimum tax will be permanently fixed to prevent it from expanding to more households.




I have a feeling the 113th congress will just be as bad as the 112th congress. Today Michele Bachmann introduced a bill to repeal Obamacare in it's entirety. Even if it was to pass through congress and it would not pass in the senate and most definitely even if it did make it though the senate, think Obama is actually even going to sign a bill repealing one of the huge legacies of his 1st term? lol


Destroying healthcare for millions around the nation is more important to her than helping with disaster relief for hurricane sandy and dealing with the sequester and the debt ceiling as well as meaningful gun control.


If she represented me in the State of Minnesota I would try my hardest to advocate to get her run out of office.

Edited by colourwheel
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