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Weird graphic glitch on character's left side


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Hello everyone- sorry if this is posted in the wrong spot. I didn't see any other posts with graphical glitches like this one.


In one of my character saves there is a strange glitch on the right side of the character where it looks like there's a flat, two-dimensional plane of smokey stuff moving around. I am honestly completely lost as to why this thing has appeared, and how to make it go away. I tried unequipping everything on the character, and it doesn't go away. It doesn't appear on any of the dozen or so other characters I have, and it even doesn't appear in an earlier save game I have of this same character. I tried uninstalling the mods I had just in case, but that didn't work either. I have all of the official patches installed, and I tried the unofficial Skyrim patch as well and still it doesn't disappear. Does anyone know how to fix this bug? I can just play the earlier save game if I must, but I'd lose quite a bit of progress so that's really a last resort for me. Unfortunately, I don't quite remember when this thing first appeared, so I'm not sure if it's the result of some quest I did or not.


Here are some pics-




Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Okay I did some more fiddling around with the game today and I found a fix of sorts. When I change the characters sex via the console command and change it back the smokey thing disappears. For some reason though, whenever I save and reload the character it comes back. I suppose it's not a big deal just to type in sexchange whenever I start the character up, but it is a little annoying. If anyone has a more permanent fix for I'd love to hear it though.
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You were absolutely correct, it was the centurion glitch.


For anyone else who has this problem, type in player.addspell 00030fbe, close the console, then open it again and type player.removespell 00030fbe, and it goes away for good.

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