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Very laggy performance over time.


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Hey guys, I'm a bit frustrated, I love this game very much and have played it since the launch.


My computer has OK specs, Core i5 750 @ 3.6Ghz, 8GB Ram 1600 cl 8, eVga GTX 460 FTW @ 1080P 27' monitor, Asus P7P55-E Deluxe, 2x128GB SSD Crucial M4 plus many HDDs.


It's rock solid, Windows 7 x64 Professional, latest drivers and completely bloatware and virus-free and no programs running in background when I'm gaming


So when the game was launched back last year I went through 60+ hours without freezing, glitching, lag but a few occasional crashes. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to play the game more at the time and now I just updated it to the latest version through Steam plus the recent DLCs.


The game works like a charm in the first minutes but then it starts lagging very badly over time and it just keeps getting worse even with a NEW game and no mods, I've tried turning the settings down but doesn't seem to affect this weird lagging, the FPS drops to around 3-5 and stays like that until I open the map/menu or ALT-TAB (then it gets back working for a few more minutes then LAG again)


I was told it could be because my GTX 460 would "sleep" to 2D mode for some reason but I"ve used eVga precision to monitor the frequencies and temperature and it's perfectly normal. When this lag occurs, the GPU utilization drops to under 15-10% so it sure is NOT a GPU issue.


Can you please help me with this weird issue?

Edited by ntiz
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Hello dude! have you tryed with an older grafic driver? with a vanilla Skyrim, its hard to imagine what the problem could be, so perhaps still your grafic card

as it was working before just fine

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The driver I'm currently using is 306.97, I have installed them upon finishing installing Windows since I changed my SSD setup due some raid issues.


Skyrim has the DLCs installed and that's all, both Dawnguard and Hearthfire.


My computer plays many games just fine including Battlefield 3.


I haven't tried an older driver, the one I was using previously was 298.xx or something like that.


It's weird because whenever I alt-tab it gets back to normal but introduces more bugs like the mouse cursor and it eventually crashes.

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Yeah Skyrim works that way that it loads al over again after Tabing, like if you change anything in a ENB you can do it with the game on and just tab it ones to make the changes take affect. :woot:


if you still have the 298.xx something driver left on your drives, i suggest you try it out first, Skyrim can have some issiue itself and no other game is affected, same goes for ATI cards, there is a flickering in the shadows on some drivers, am myself using an older driver cuase of that :tongue:



The driver I'm currently using is 306.97, I have installed them upon finishing installing Windows since I changed my SSD setup due some raid issues.


Skyrim has the DLCs installed and that's all, both Dawnguard and Hearthfire.


My computer plays many games just fine including Battlefield 3.


I haven't tried an older driver, the one I was using previously was 298.xx or something like that.


It's weird because whenever I alt-tab it gets back to normal but introduces more bugs like the mouse cursor and it eventually crashes.

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Try these tips from nvidia http://www.geforce.com/optimize/guides/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-tweak-guide#1


The official texture pack (which im assuming you installed) could possibly cause the dragging on a GTX460.

Try the tips or try playing without the high res pack running and see if you have any issues.

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Thanks for the helpful advices! I fixed it partially for now, at least got much better.


I have a 55' 3D TV attached through one of the HDMI ports(rarely use it with the PC but for some "console gaming"), disconnecting it and only leaving my 27' monitor seemed to do it but then I noticed when running Skyrim a nVidia 3D compatibility OSD which never showed up before and I've never tried to run this game in 3D.


Completely disabling 3D in the driver settings and plugging my TV back on seemed to work just fine. I had no idea it could cause this kind of issue since the TV was completely disabled and only my 27' monitor was in use and it's not even 3D.


The performance is OK, everything is maxxed out on "High" with AA on 8x, I still get some occasional lags and I think it's due Skyrim being installed on a regular HDD raid-0 setup 1TB x2 WD Black (whole steam Folder is). It usually happens when running around quickly after leaving somewhere.

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