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update bugged.\?


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I seem to be getting an error after updating Vortex. "your vortex installation has been corrupted. this could be the result of a virus or manual manipulation. vortex might still appear to work (partially) but we suggest you reinstall it." this doesn't happen after new installation. It happens after the update to the new installation. I have checked for viruses (and found non) and have just installed the program (without manipulating it) with same effect. I have tried this several times to no avail.

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There isn't much more to say than what the message says. On startup Vortex validates the files it ships with, the message you get means that some files aren't the same as what was packaged by us.

Assuming you got the file from an official source, this change must have happened on your system through some software you have installed. The common suspects are viruses or anti-virus software but it could also be a faulty hard drive. There is really no way for us to tell.

You can check the vortex.log file in c:\users\<username>\appdata\roaming\vortex for a list of the files that have been found to be modified but for the _why_ you will have to find out yourself.

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