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Is there a solution to the frame rate issues?


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I've been having a problem with the frame rates in the last few months. I'm not sure what's causing it (I only have one mod installed outside of the Dawnguard and Heartfire content...) I was assuming it has something to do with Dawnguard since it started a little after its installation, but I'd expect Bethesda to have fix such issues with the recent updates after dawnguards release....


The game runs silky smooth when I'm roaming Skyrims open world. Even when I run inside a busy town like Solitude, game stay's at a good clip. But as soon as I fast travel between cities a few times or enter in and out of houses a number of times, the performance of the game takes a heavy hit. I'm not sure the actual number of frame rates it drops, but it seems to go from a silky 30+ FPS to an hardly playable 10-15 frames per second, making the game extremely difficult to play. It also rarely occurs when there's a lot of particles effects floating around the screen, but that's not too often. It stay's that way until after I either walk into a small house (In which case, the moment I step back outside, the frame rate once again takes a massive dip..) or restart the game. It wasn't much of a problem a while ago, but recently, the number of times the frame rates have dropped like that has increased....


I was wondering have there been any patches released that can fix this problem, if I'm not the only one having this issue....


In case you need to know my PC specs, I have:


8GB of RAM

AMD Athlon II 3.0Ghz Quad Core

Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti


I have a 1TB Hard drive, but I have Skyrim installed on my 128GB Solid State Drive....


The game is also running on Ultra, but even when I had it running on lower settings, the problem still occurred....

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Have you noticed any diffrance in other grafic drivers? are you running the the latest drivers? if so try an older one,



and perhaps try the optimise guide for Skyrim with a Nvidia card



I have tried beta drivers and older graphic drivers. No luck. My current graphic driver is 310.54....


I'll check out the guide to see what can help...

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That Nvidia guide really didn't help much. I downloaded and installed Fraps just like it told me to, opened up Skyrim up and checked out the frame rates for many locations. The lowest it got for me while traveling through cities was 35. And that's when I was in Markarth walking toward multiple waterfalls. Even then, it didn't take long to jump back up to 60 FPS. When traveling on foot to city to city, the FPS stayed above 50. After I fast traveled between cities, caves, and my manor, FPS fell to exactly the FPS I thought it did, between 10 to 15. When I step inside my manor, FPS would go back to 60. But when I step outside back into Skyrim, it drops to 15 or below..... Edited by Blaze340
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The interesting part now then is how Skyrim would run with a plain Vanilla Skyrim on your PC as you stated after Dawnguard was installed it sort of started,


most likley the best step to do next is to find out if it is Dawnguard that makes this and to go from there to way the files of Dawnguard makes this happen



Sorry i aint got any better option for ya, was ofc hoping it could be solved without something that major :yucky:

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The interesting part now then is how Skyrim would run with a plain Vanilla Skyrim on your PC as you stated after Dawnguard was installed it sort of started,


most likley the best step to do next is to find out if it is Dawnguard that makes this and to go from there to way the files of Dawnguard makes this happen



Sorry i aint got any better option for ya, was ofc hoping it could be solved without something that major :yucky:

It didn't start IMMEDIATELY after Dawnguard. It just slowly got worse as time progressed. I think after Heartfire was installed was when it start getting more frequent. I was thinking that maybe it may be the CPU overheating, but then I find it odd that I could play a game like Sleeping Dogs or other CPU consuming games for the same amount of time as Skyrim and never have that particular issue with them. I think I'll uninstall Heartfire and Dawnstar to see if there's a difference...

Edited by Blaze340
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Yeah cant be CPU, Sleeping Dogs is abit consuming, best way is to see if a plain Skyrim has the problem so we know where to start,

lets hope we find the problem for this so you can play both DLC or atleast one of them :thumbsup:

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