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Is there a solution to the frame rate issues?


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And both of DLC are uninstalled fully, did you uninstall them manually? you should try to download a fresh Skyrim from Steam and try it out from there with also then a new char, and if the problem still happens, there must be a Grafic card setting problem with Skyrim, heard that someone had a problem with Skyrim changed a grafic card setting to run in a diffrent way,
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Yeah, I went into Skyrim's game folder to make sure Dawnguard and Heartfire was gone after I uninstalled them and they were gone. I think it may have to do with one of the patches that were installed for Skyrim. I'm pretty sure if I reinstall Skyrim (Which will revert it back to its first patch version), it will probably work out. I'm just not sure which one it is though. Also, I never tampered with my Nvidia graphic card settings in any way besides to go in them and check for updates. Its default settings worked well during my first tine playing Skyrim so I don't see how it would change now.... Edited by Blaze340
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Yeah then keep the settings, probably not that then, most likley only if you have changed drivers from that time



need to go to sleep now will be getting tomorow some time during the day to continue this and hope it will be sorted out

Edited by Shadiva
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Yeah then keep the settings, probably not that then, most likley only if you have changed drivers from that time



need to go to sleep now will be getting tomorow some time during the day to continue this and hope it will be sorted out

Ok. Perhaps there are mods that could possibly solve the problem. I've tried FPS Limiter but it had no effect. I think I'll check to see if any other performance enhancement mods with have any effect...


Catch you tomorrow.....

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Is your version bak to an older one now or a totally new skyrim from steam and updated now?


how big is your saves, perhaps you have a save bloat, if the latest save is bigger then 40mb you get in trouble,

probably not the cause as you dident have loads of mods, but the options are realy running out here :pinch:

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At this link there is one that had the same problem as you, but he had a Duelcore as the problem if i read that thread right but still some nice pointers in it,








Try out this software if you have the version of skyrim, it is optimised for that version only, but check in archives to get older versions

Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)



Edited by Shadiva
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Even try this one, look inside your PC tower, and see how the cables are drawn so they dont touch anything of serius hardware



In this thread he got problems with low FPS due to he's cables was touching the GPU


"I fixed the issue, apparently it was power cables running from the PSU touching the GPU thus creating



electrical impact on the GPU, this caused the memory clock to malfunction."



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The problem seems to be associated with fast travel - do you have save on fast travel disabled? If not, try that. It could be a save issue - possibly a bloated save? Look at the size of your saves to see how much they increase each save. My save files seem to jump up and down less than 50k , sometimes dropping sometimes increasing, but gradually trending higher - now at save#1236 and 15,518K.. Save#2 was 3,194K. I would expect some increase with each mod added, and over time.


"I fixed the issue, apparently it was power cables running from the PSU touching the GPU thus creating

electrical impact on the GPU, this caused the memory clock to malfunction."


I find it strange that this only affected FPS in the exterior cells. :ermm: But, I do have a real world very similar experience with an industrial machine - where moving a small cable 6 inches fixed an ongoing problem with that machine - and it wasn't even touching anything. It was moved to get it out of the way, not because we thought it was causing the problem. :psyduck:


People tend to assume that all computers run the game the same - That's not quite right. Even with the exact same hardware you will start to see differences as soon as you start to add other programs. That makes each computer unique. Everyone has a different set of background programs and services running. Some of these will cause more problems than others. The hard part is figuring out which background programs and services can be terminated on your particular setup.A lot of this is covered in my blog.


Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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Found this on a forum that perahps might help some for you, as it is a very strange problem i post anything that might help you,

remember to bakup anything you change here,


hopes this help





Originally Posted by TurkeyStyle

This is for OpenMindedWorld:


You should add this to the tweak list, as it's been helping a lot of us with beefy systems but poor performance. It sets custom memory allocation values. I've gained about 10fps in towns where they used to drop as low as 15fps. It's now playable. These lines need to be added to the Skyrim.ini file in the [Papyrus] section:







Seriously, this helped more than any custom Skyrimprefs.ini or d3d9.dll ever did. Also, like in Oblivion and Fallout 3/NV, if you change the Skyrim.ini variable uExterior Cell Buffer to a 2x multiple higher than the default (36), you get better draw distance as far as detailed objects/terrain goes. I have it set to 72, and it worked at 144.



uExterior Cell Buffer=36



uExterior Cell Buffer=72


This has very little FPS hit on my GTX470. Something to maybe add too, but the memory allocation was a massive improvement.

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