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p90 ?


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Well, if you don't mind a few liberties taken with the sights, I can see a way to get a p90 in... well, a very similar weapon anyway. It won't be perfect, and you'll have to fire one handed, but if you want it, I see a way. At least until someone figures out a way to make custom animations.


OK, made some quick mock-ups in gimp. The way I see it I can use the Plasma Pistol reload animation. Just clip the magazine to the top. Unfortunately the p90 isn't long enough to hold with the two hand animation, so you'll have to hold and fire it with one, it'll be more like the 10mm smg. I may have to stretch out the handle a bit as well, but for now this is about as good as it's gonna get.


Pick your favorite.

1. looks the most different, but retains 50 round magazine, no clipping problems


2.would have the site extend up from one side, as long as the animation drops and loads the mag from the same side


3.most practical, as the hand will easily fit between the sites with no clipping and I won't have to worry about the magazine clipping the sights, but I would cut the magazine down to 30 rather than 50



I'm not saying I'll do this anytime soon, but until we get some custom animations I think it's the best we can hope for.

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Well if we can get the animations sorted out I think the stats should look something like this.

-50 round mag

-6 pounds

-high ROF

-.32 ammo (since it's bottlenecked anyway)

-VERY low damage but shreds and bypasses armor. (we might need to check if that's scriptable)

-25AP per burst

-costs 500 caps


that way if NPCs carry it the gun wouldn't be unbalanced. It wouldn't do all that much damage to you but it would royally bork up your armor so you'd dread an encounter with an NPC carrying one. Especially if they were in a squad because then one would destroy your armor and the rest would shoot you to bits now that it doesn't protect you. At the same time it's more useful to you because NPCs have less health than you do and therefore the low damage issue doesn't come up as much as it does for them, at the same time if you like scavenging armors this will make you put your repair skill to use.

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  • 6 months later...
As a proud owner of an FN Five-seveN, which fires the same round as the FN P90 I can tell you that that is one mean bullet. It is basically a .224 round, longer then the 5.56 round, just not as wide. The FN series guns are incredibly light, accurate, and long range for what they are. They are basically carbines that punch through body armor, so I would also recommend adding the Five-seveN also.
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