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Can someone tell me if I can take a saved game or profile from my XBox 360 ( from whatever level I'm at ) , transfer it to the PC, mod my perfect vampire, then transfer it back to XBox?

Or, do I have to mod on the PC first, then transfer it to the XBox?

The reason why I ask is because I like the controller feel on XBox, and besides that I am at level 81 and DON'T wanna start over.

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I used to be a 360 and a PS3 fan, all games I now play are on pc (can't beat the mods or the console commands ). 360 controllers are good to use on pc long as it is a Microsoft controller, I used one till it died. Starting over on pc would be a completely different and better experience then a 360 play through, I've done it for Fallout 3.
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Discussing Xbox (or PS3) modding in any way is not allowed here. Continuing to ask will get you banned. Debating or attempting to justify your modding of consoles will get you banned. If you wish to argue the MS EULA, please contact The MS legal department as we don't allow arguing any company EULA here. :thumbsup:


Reference link to site policy on this: http://forums.nexusm...supported-here/


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