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Normal despawning civil war dead


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It always bugged me how quickly the dead despawn during any of the civil war battles, I always wanted to survey the battlefield afterwards, to get a feel for the scale of the battle, but since they despawn as you are still fighting, this cannot be done accurately.


I'm sure this was done to help out performance on Xboxs, PS3s, and low end PCs, but I am sure plenty of people have powerful enough PCs that the extra dead will not affect them.


I would prefer these dead to cleanup normally.


I expect that making the mod would require making changes to the civil war scripts.


On a side note, I noticed that regardless of which side you choose, and how the battle seems to go that Severio Pelagia always dies in the battle of Whiterun Perhaps a line can be added to the script to set him as essential, then remove essential at the end of the quest. And I realize such changes would likely conflict with changing the despawns.

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