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Galmar won't give me Battle for Solitude


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Hey all! I have a predicament and I've spent about ten hours over the last two days trying to find answers, and I haven't seen a single situation quite like mine.


It all started after I beat the main quest for the very first time. Once I did that, I decided I wanted to try to complete the Stormcloaks. I started with the first part of "Liberation of Skyrim" (that's Falkreath) and got up to "The Battle for Solitude" and then I kept getting the WETrigger script error and none of the fixes I got from previous threads worked. So, I reverted to the save from before I went into Sovngarde and disabled some mods. I completed the main quest again, this time less epicly, and started the Liberation again.


This time around, I turn in "The Battle for Fort Hraggstad" and that's it. Galmar doesn't give me the Battle for Solitude. I tried leaving and coming back, then I tried leaving, waiting several days, and coming back. I tried everything I could find on all wikis and forums. Nothing is working.


These are the only plugins I have activated right now:




Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp


Ish's Souls to Perks.esp



Northborn Fur Hoods.esp








Am I cursed? :(


I fear it might be because I once had the Warzones mod installed, because I read that messes up saves, but I don't have a save from before I got it and even if I did I'd might as well just start a new game.


Any help? :(

Edited by Crazyjeffy
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The stormcloak questline is a barely contained mess of errors and problems. Despite completing rescue from neugrad (thus taking falkreath), battle for sungard (all of the reach) and most of hjaalmarch it tells me the only place i have taken is rorikstead and galmar refuses to talk to me about any quests. The war map that commanders study is a good way to tell just how borked the questline is for you, and just to make the problem a bit worse a lot of the quests are controlled by the radiant system so it makes using the console to fix it a lot more difficult. My best guess is that a quest along the way don't finish and update properly, and the trigger conditions for the next section are just never reached.
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