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Adding Created Items to my Mod: Outfits


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I have(with permission) added a couple mods to the one i am making. The mods i am borrowing have created new sets of armour. The armour is worn by some npc characters in my mod, and i have duplicated their items and created the necessary outfit.


The problem is that whenever i load my mod in the creation kit, the NPC characters that SHOULD be wearing new armour are instead naked. If i go through the object window and find the duplicates i can put them in the render and they DO appear... but the outfit does not load unless i re-create it using the same items that were there already...


Help would be vastly appreciated.

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Please make sure that any mods that you are drawing from are .esm, not .esp. You can convert .esp to .esm with Wyre Bash. The downside to this is that for others to use your mod they must also have the original authors .esp's as .esm. If you have full permission to use their item models and whatnot, you have to make the mod in CK and make it all without the other mods loaded, or it will affiliate the armors and whatnot with the old mod, and since it can't assign an .esp as a master it simply does not load any data provided by the other author's .esp files. Hope this helps.


Edit: If this doesn't work, feel free to Pm me as I won't remember to check back here.

Edited by Xescream
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