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Installing Oblivion and mods on Windows 7


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So I finally received my new pc yesterday after more than a month of being without. Was ready to dive right back in and get busy with my unfinished modding projects. Unfortunately didn't read up on all the issues with Win7 installation first. The default install path to program files 86 obviously has problems, particularly with getting past UAC and making mod utilities work properly.


So......the question at hand is: Can anyone describe in brief a better method for installing on this operating system?

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C:\Games\Oblivion is the most often recommended solution to UAC. Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure for more info. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location. Edited by Striker879
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Thanks Striker,


Most of that was stuff I've already done a hundred times (at least) and seems to be geared for beginners. However, it just happened to contain the one little nugget of wisdom I was looking for regarding UAC workaround. I'm a little thick sometimes and couldn't find a "games" folder on my HD, it took Bben pointing out to create a "games" folder for me to get it right. Kudos to both of you for saving my day and getting me back on the road so to speak.

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