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Setting time with scripts: Possible issues


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Setting the game hour with a script is obviously something that can screw with AI and should be avoided if possible.


But still I'm curious if anybody has encountered a really grave and specific issue with this. Something you couldn't fix by sleeping another day through (ingame).

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Manipulating time is similar to actor values. Setting is dangerous, modifying is OK;

pGameHour.SetValue(16) ; BAD

pGameHour.Mod(fTravelGameHours) ;FINE if positive value

pGameHour.Mod(16 - pGameHour.GetValue()) ; OK if you have less/more value logic to avoid negatives

Because Mod() will automatically trigger updates for all dependent processes like AI movement packages and handle day/month/year rollovers.


Many recent hours testing out the impacts of travel time for Vertibird World Travel.

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Since you have lots of experience with setting time and scripting in general

what would you say about setting time in a custom worldspace to always twelve o'clock.

(Via a looping script in a trigger area that checks if the time's more/less than 12)


It's just a thought though nothing concrete yet, I haven't even begun time scripts yet nor the mod.

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I do not know what the impact would be on game time indexed or triggered events.


Needs a significant investment in instrumented test cases to see what happens: script timers, garbage collection and cell reset type things.

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Yeah the "untestedness" (and unpredictable things that can happen) are my concern. I guess I will workaround.


But at least I will be able to make a "self-regnerating" fridge

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