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Armor skin (Request)


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Ok, so i was thinking that it'd be cool if i could wear any armor i want (Especially if it's those ugly armors that no one likes to equip.. but have an awesome amount of defense and enchants :rolleyes: ) but keep the outside appearance the way i want it :thumbsup: . I know it seems a little cliche, but bear with me :sweat: ; I previously played a game called CABAL Online and that game has costumes that go over anything you're wearing. You could be wearing some of the most amazingly stated armor and still be wearing the costume skin over it so you look the way you want all the time ;D (Until, of course, you unequip it). If possible, could anyone make one of those? I was thinking something like a black suit, similar to the one Rurona Zoros uses in One Piece, or maybe a biker suit or a ninja suit. Samurai suit? Someone throw some suggestions out there xD. Of course, as always, I will credit the creator and kudos you all i can. Thanks in advance and thanks again for reading my long request hahaha 8)
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In order to pique your interest, i have included some screenshots of what a costume skin looks like and does, straight from my CABAL screenshots folder :3


Biker Suit Costume, it just skins around any gear you're wearing.


Some of the regular beginner's armor (This is not a skin)


Here he has a high school uniform costume on. The menu displays what he's currently wearing. The costume covers over that. Basically for the ugly gear you wanted that has all the epic stats and enchants.

These costumes are not bound to race, faction or class. I think they should be modded so that you can wear an entire set, even a helm, and it hides everything underneath. Also, a setting that allows you to control which parts of your actual armor you want to show and what not to.

Edited by iDante
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This is the problem with Skyrim.

To cover an armor and not have it clip or show thru in any way requires using the exact same body slot. But doing that replaces the actual armor forcing it to be unequipped.


The best that you can get is one of the following:

-- Remove the existing bipedal mesh assignments from the armor addon forms & equip something else assigned to a different slot #

-- Replace the bipedal mesh assignments with the appearance you want while you leave the ground/inventory model alone.

-- See if you can develop some scripting magic that swaps the armor out for the appearance item and transfers the armor rating -- not sure if that is even possible.

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This is the problem with Skyrim.

To cover an armor and not have it clip or show thru in any way requires using the exact same body slot. But doing that replaces the actual armor forcing it to be unequipped.


The best that you can get is one of the following:

-- Remove the existing bipedal mesh assignments from the armor addon forms & equip something else assigned to a different slot #

-- Replace the bipedal mesh assignments with the appearance you want while you leave the ground/inventory model alone.

-- See if you can develop some scripting magic that swaps the armor out for the appearance item and transfers the armor rating -- not sure if that is even possible.

Hmmm.. ok, now i'm thinking it'd be best to just make a new armor. An armor set that pulls the pieces of the costume together, enchant-able and maybe grows as you level up like a lot of the modded weapons i've seen (At least i think it's just the modded weapons O.o). Either way, it's a good idea, ya gotta admit *nudge nudge*

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Knew it. Well then, the new project is costumed armor, i guess. Nothin short of what others have been doing when modding new armor. In this case, although, these costumes will have armor values while still maintaining the look of choice. Something like a ninja, biker, a rogue, sith lord, reaper, jedi, even from animes and fantasy games. In my case, i'd like to include the Zero look :3. Code Geass style!

Anyone wanna take this on? :P

Here's a couple pics btw, if my avatar pic is too tiny:



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