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Fallout 3 small things


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Like many others out there, I have some things to say about the game before I go on and ramble about the actual reason for me writing this. Been a hardcore fallout fan I have acquired all the titles (even tactics) and went through them more times than I can remember. But my biggest accomplishment is living in the Fallout 2 universe on and off for nearly ten years. It hugs my hard drive even now. Fallout 3 did and did not disappoint me, in some ways it reminded me of the Fallout 1, in others my Taurus (Ford) held together by hopes and duct tape. Overall, Fallout 3 is a great resurrection of the series, a foundation for the things to come.


Now to the topic. Roaming around the wasteland I try to pick up on small things. For now, if you look around in any building you are bound to find a clock on the wall (or the floor). Throughout the wasteland the time is identical (the time of the explosion). Is it A.M. or P.M.?


If you see anything that strikes your fancy post it here :blink: .

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Bethesda! Fallout's home is a PC and not a three-hundred dollar leg warmer! Noticed something else that was missing, noticed it long time ago but hopes of finding it never ran on empty, until now. Ammo, ammo is standard everywhere, what happened to AP(armor piercing), FMJ(full metal jacket), HP(hollow point) rounds? Who needs a friggin scope on .44 Magnum (condoms with laser pointer and auto-level?) and where is my .223 Pistol? Oh yeah, got another bone, among many, to pick, shotguns, enough said :blink:.
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The .223 Pistol is a direct copy of the one from Blade Runner. There are people working on making a mod to add it in, but I suspect Bethesda didn't want to do something so questionably legal as to make a gun that is exactly the same as one from a movie.


And what the hell is wrong with shotguns? I love my shotguns. Especially The Terrible Shotgun. Best way to take down anything at close range, in my opinion.

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Thank you for a reply bud. To answer your question, the amount of force exhorted by any shotgun in Fallout 3 is not questionable, but the design is. I am yet to find a shotgun that fits into my definition of a shotgun (real life, Fallout 2). To me it looks more like a Tommy Gun (Pancor Jackhammer is the closest thing but its magazine was behind the trigger and not the front), and than again, I am yet to find one.


Strolling like a proper lady would (my second character is a female, first one flew like radiation from the atomic explosion to the very disappointing end, and frankly staring at the guys ass for countless hours is disturbing as listening to a trigger happy snot nosed kid showering you in profanities every chance he gets, "Kill the pig! Cut his throat!"), armed to the teeth and high on Buffout, I have noticed something else that seemed out of place. If you closely examine the gas stations you are bound to find a tag which reads "Petroleum Spirit. Highly Flammable". If you look around, you are bound to find cars which are powered by a nuclear energy, the mushroom cloud and the radiation poisoning tends to give that one away. Why do you need gas stations when you can go to your local grocery store and get yourself a Uranium stick, maybe Plutonium? If I remember correctly, the oil shortage was the cause of the war and I don't think anyone had the desire or time to develop and produce a nuclear powered family sedan. Also, there is something strange about the motorcycles, looks like they are the only things left that can zip around the wasteland in excess of 50mph. But how do I start one?


Happy shooting :blink:

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And you are absolutely right.


I am roaming the wasteland again, and something really essential is missing from my inventory. Binoculars! Those things would really come in handy, I am really tired of using a sniper rifle every time I want to check my bearings. Never knew a robot had consciousness, after sitting in my nook for some time, listening to the male without a father whine about how sorry it is to kill me, I decided to go green and save on energy by emptying a clip into that shiny light bulb. Thumbs up to Megaton, Planet of the Apes, though the worshipers of atom had Jedi powers, "We don't kill our enemies, we make our enemies kill each other". Correct me if I am wrong, but do some of the homes resemble those or a direct copy of the Fallout 1 & 2 (NCR is the only one I can think of right now)? You can see them around Springvale by the school (they clearly stand out). Got an idea on how to fix time travel in Fallout 3, make it similar to previous Fallout games, so you got lazy and instead of walking you decided on clicking, during the process of movement from point A to point B you come across a band of raiders fighting off wild dogs, enclave patrol, cafe of broken dreams, a crushed wale, hubologists (depending on your skill and perk you would naturally be able to say no to some). Yea, I got dreams.



Happy looting :blink:

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Green. After wandering around a great deal, I came upon a green area after some pointers from random encounter. Upon entering, I felt relief, sadness, and hope. Definitely surprising considering the only other game that has elicited an emotional response from me is Planescape: Torment.
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Some words from Roadside Picnic come to mind "HAPPINESS FOR EVERYBODY, FREE, AND NO ONE WILL GO AWAY UNSATISFIED!"


On the side note, coin operated fallout shelters are very amusing to open and to close oneself in. The male without a father lied about TV dinners.


Nerd Rage :blink:

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Bethesda! Fallout's home is a PC and not a three-hundred dollar leg warmer! Noticed something else that was missing, noticed it long time ago but hopes of finding it never ran on empty, until now. Ammo, ammo is standard everywhere, what happened to AP(armor piercing), FMJ(full metal jacket), HP(hollow point) rounds? Who needs a friggin scope on .44 Magnum (condoms with laser pointer and auto-level?) and where is my .223 Pistol? Oh yeah, got another bone, among many, to pick, shotguns, enough said :blink:.



Hahaha I thought the same thing. I want my FMJ rounds

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Some words from Roadside Picnic come to mind "HAPPINESS FOR EVERYBODY, FREE, AND NO ONE WILL GO AWAY UNSATISFIED!"


On the side note, coin operated fallout shelters are very amusing to open and to close oneself in. The male without a father lied about TV dinners.


Nerd Rage :blink:


I find it more amusing when you open one with dead bodies in it, and they jump (glitch i think) all over the place and fly out of it haha

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