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Fallout 3 small things


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On that note, let me add the amount of voice acting is a pet peeve of mine. In the first (good) games, there were few voices, and little to no actor repeats. In this one, MOST of the Ghouls sound the same and almost all of the Raiders! It feels like there is one gang or raiders that just wont stay dead, and I keep having to fight them over and over.

Krusty the Klown!


Yeah, more variety in voice acting would have been nice.

I'm deaf though.

I mean, I can hear... Very very VERY loud noises... hahaha So I guess text only is a bias o' mine.

I have to say, the subtitling was well done.


The captioning is VERY well done. I think it should be nominated for best captioning of the year. Under a quarter of what is said isn't translated into the text, and that beats No More Heroes by 90%.


(Fractions and percentiles are exaggerated and could in fact be entirely made up)

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My only gripe (and it's minor) is the captioning only displayes one person's line at a time, and sometime's you miss part of an npc conversation.

Still, pretty much everything said is captioned and it's nice to have it, especially after enduring games with only selective captioning or none at all...

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Thank you everyone for the replies


So I am in one of those places with neatly stacked 50's style nuclear devices, discharging a weapon at such a device or surrounding area produces no desired effect, sadly. Sitting on a cliff and discharging a Fat Man under a big yellow moon is very romantic, until you run out of nukes. Instead of great Clint Eastwood chases and shootouts with killer punchlines I get spooks with assault rifles who greet me every time upon exiting the subway station, the truth is out there. Apparently sexual experience of Fallout 3 constitutes of telepathy, damn that radiation, cause every time I pay the bill I get one of those granny talking to a little girl selling cookies lines and nothing, nothing, nothing, she goes to sleep and I wake up feeling like a ripe peach under the Sun.



Kamasutra Master :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really don't get it. Finished it(Anchorage) few hours ago and left standing on a freaking bridge while the &$%#@ is crumpling underneath me. I want to thank Bethesda(very sarcastic) for the great Cliffhanger reference and the Half-Life like introduction(those pesky life-size cardboard cutouts are at it again) with the sprinkle of Call of Duty here and there(I think I was just imagining things at that point). Instead of Anchorage, I met American grease monkey, two PC's, some important twitcher who talked to the wall of the tent most of the time, invisible bastards with a sword, and a bunch of morons running head first, or not moving at all, into the line of fire. All this just to open a door to a freaking closet identical to other freaking closets scattered throughout wasteland! Marvelous...



TK421 o_O

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I really don't get it. Finished it(Anchorage) few hours ago and left standing on a freaking bridge while the &$%#@ is crumpling underneath me. I want to thank Bethesda(very sarcastic) for the great Cliffhanger reference and the Half-Life like introduction(those pesky life-size cardboard cutouts are at it again) with the sprinkle of Call of Duty here and there(I think I was just imagining things at that point). Instead of Anchorage, I met American grease monkey, two PC's, some important twitcher who talked to the wall of the tent most of the time, invisible bastards with a sword, and a bunch of morons running head first, or not moving at all, into the line of fire. All this just to open a door to a freaking closet identical to other freaking closets scattered throughout wasteland! Marvelous...



TK421 o_O


Hate to say I told you so, brother. I got Fallout 3 on PC for the mods, not for the "updates". I in no way thought that this game would have decent updates that were not in the form of a pack. I don't know how much Anchorage costs, but I do know that it costs way too much for what they're giving you.

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Here and there I will post the mods(all on Nexus) without which my life in the wasteland would be 95% water and 5% whiskey.


What's Your Brand by CptJoker. Excellent for those who smoke, quit, or trying to bum one with a dollar bill in the shaking hand from the tall scary guy in the poorly lit area of the street.


Better Booze by CptJoker. Great way to avoid those exciting AA meetings and the ugly mug with a flashlight in your face, the stupid white line is always crooked.



"I think I met a woman...Or maybe I was a woman." (Mutant, Downtown DC) :turned:

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Bethesda, if you are reading this (and I know you are, keep having this funny feeling as if someone is watching me through the pixels of my monitor), just remember that some of us live only 358 mi – about 6 hours 38 mins from Pittsburgh, PA, piss in a bucket by Jersey standards.



I feel like I've passed an arbitrary experience point limit and gained more power :starwars:

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Got another mod without which life in Bethesda wasteland would be an unbearable experience equivalent to realization that gun shots in your neighborhood is not a weekend trip with your buddies and a case of a cold one in the densely wooded area.



Better Living Through Chems by Captain. Prodigy - Out Of Space nuff said.





Been there. Seen that. Got the scars :nuke:

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